Depraved and dangerous BDSM (sado-masochist) conventions — protected by sexual orientation non-discrimination laws.

Three upscale hotels in downtown Cleveland hosting major BDSM event in April.

Coming to your town next?

SIGN PETITION to demand Cleveland Board of Health shut it down.

March 13, 2019
Note to our readers: This report was not pleasant for us to publish. But unfortunately it can no longer be ignored.
"ALTOnline advertisement for 2018 CLAW conference at the Cleveland Westin Hotel.
What is the LGBT revolution really doing to America? How debased has society become? In particular, how have the LGBT movement’s successes in banning “discrimination” opened up the floodgates to previously unspeakable depravity?
Why are government officials protecting this? And how much is it actively supported by major corporations?

The next LGBT frontiers for America

Many people thought that “transgenderism” was the LGBT movement’s last frontier. It doesn’t end there at all. The conveniently undefined term “sexual orientation” holds other dangers:
Sexual sadomasochism: BDSM is another category of perversion the sexual radicals are normalizing as a protected “sexual orientation.”BDSM stands for bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadomasochism. (It is also sometimes called kink.)
And targeting children: “Gay pride” parades have been featuring BDSM contingents for a long time. As with the rest of the LGBT agenda, targeting children is a high priority. Ten years ago BDSM imagery started to show up in the LGBT movement’s “youth” events. In recent years – completely without the knowledge of parents – public schools have begun including BDSM in their array of LGBT programs for children.
"ALTFrom BDSM / "Kink" material for students at a middle school in suburban Denver, CO.
If unstopped, the LGBT movement will move on to lowering the age of sexual consent. The “sex educators” are already telling schoolchildren that “consent” is all that’s needed for their sexual engagement. (“Consent” is also emphasized in the BDSM world.) A child’s “consent” will open the door for pedophiles. (The new phrase, “minor-attracted person,” has recently appeared as a “sexual orientation.”)

“CLAW” in Cleveland – just how bad is it?

In recent years, the growing BDSM movement has organized formal gatherings in hotels across the country. These events are sometimes all male, sometimes co-ed. Classes and lectures with live demonstrations take place in conference rooms, vendors sell their torture gear in hotel ballrooms, orgies take place in suites, and attendees practice in their private rooms.
One of nation’s largest annual BDSM events is in Cleveland, Ohio in April, spreading out over several hotels in the city. It is called “CLAW”– Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend. This is a four-day long all-male homosexual orgy.
It is truly difficult to comprehend that human beings would take part in such revolting activities. We are reluctant to even describe them. Yet within LGBT circles, they’re not considered abnormal or even worthy of criticism. Hotel management goes along without objection.
Last year MassResistance did a report on the CLAW event that was extremely disturbing, even though it barely scratched the surface of what actually went on. Our researcher Amy Contrada wrote a more detailed report of that event that was published in American Thinker, titled What Has Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Wrought?  (Caution: some very graphic descriptions.) This web page of “Skills and Education” offerings for this year’s CLAW weekend is a relatively tame subset of the entire event. (It starts off with classes on “ass play.”)
Keep in mind: This is what the LGBT movement is in the process of normalizing. If the federal Equality Act is passed, all public accommodations throughout the country will be forced to allow similar events. It would be illegal discrimination to object.
CLAW describes itself as a “national leather charity” and is quite well funded.  As of 2018, it had donated $800,000 to radical LGBTQ groups, including those targeting children such as GLSEN, PFLAG, and various LGBT youth centers.

Allowed by major hotel chains

The Westin, Marriott, Hyatt, Hampton Inn, DoubleTree, and many other hotel corporations allow these events across the country. Have you ever wondered if the hotel room you’re in was used as part of a BDSM event that might have included excrement, urine, or other unhealthy activity that might not be cleaned up properly?

Welcomed by local government!

Last year the Mayor of Cleveland, Frank C. Jackson, issued an official welcoming letter to the CLAW event, thanking them for coming to Cleveland.
Since our report last year and our subsequent call for Cleveland area hotels to ban CLAW in the future, the Cuyahoga County passed a sexual-orientation and gender-identity non-discrimination ordinance that would appear to make it illegal for local hotels to ban BDSM (or other homosexual or transgender) related events. A Commission on Human Rights was established to handle complaints of discrimination.

Public Health Hazard – TAKE ACTION NOW!

Their own literature describes a wide range of very sickening and unhealthy activities incorporating feces, urine, blood, etc. and practices including fisting, whipping, "erotic asphyxiation," electroshock, piercing, cutting, binding, and other tortures.
Even BDSM-affirming research admits that BDSM participants have a high rate of mental disorders (25% have attempted suicide; about 40% suffer from anxiety and depression), twice the incidence of Hepatitis C, and ten times the incidence of HIV/AIDS as the general population.
In other words, major corporations are knowingly allowing their hotels to become public health hazards – for the event participants, for the employees, and for the innocent guests who follow. 
(These hotels will never be clean again. Traveler beware!)
You can make a difference:
PLEASE: Go to our CitizenGo PetitionDEMANDING that the Cleveland Public Health authorities – the Mayor of Cleveland, Cleveland Dept. of Public Health, Cleveland City Council, and Cuyahoga County Council – STOP this unsafe event from taking place in April.
Every time you sign it, an email will be sent to the relevant authority there with our message! You can also call the Cleveland government officials directly, using the links above.
COALITION OF PRO-FAMILY GROUPS WITH MASSRESISTANCE TO OPPOSING THIS: Please join with MassResistance, Linda Harvey (MissionAmerica), Coach Dave Daubenmire (Pass the Salt Ministries), Rob Pue (Wisconsin Christian News), Peter LaBarbera (Americans for Truth about Homosexuality), Ohio Value VotersAmerican Family Assoc. of Pennsylvania, and Michael Heath (Helping Hands Ministries, NC).
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