Governor Larry Hogan (R-Maryland)
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has shown some muscle against
illegal immigration in the Old Line State, particularly in cases where a
violent crime has occurred, despite the two-to-one Democratic voter
registration in the state and previous Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley’s
relentless policies to promote illegal aliens and transform them into “new
Departing from the previous governor’s policy of
non-cooperation, Hogan informed Marylanders that he would change course and
comply with the federal government and detain illegal aliens for Immigration
and Customs Enforcement agents.
Immigration advocates
in Maryland are criticizing a decision by Gov. Larry Hogan to notify federal
immigration officials when an illegal immigrant targeted for deportation is
released from the state-run Baltimore City Detention Center.
Advocates consider
Hogan’s stance to be a departure from the policy of his predecessor, Democrat
Martin O’Malley, who last year joined other elected officials in refusing
requests from the Obama administration to coordinate with federal law
enforcement whenever a detainee was being released.

With political savvy determined to thwart amnesty proponents
and coalesce support for his decision, Hogan’s office responded:
Doug Mayer, a
spokesman for Hogan, said the governor is simply complying with a request made
by the Obama administration — and has made no effort to reverse the driver’s
license program or Maryland’s so-called “Dream Act,” the legislation that
provides in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants.

“We are not making
immigration an issue here,” Mayer said. “This is not an immigration issue. It’s
a public safety issue.”

When pro-amnesty group CASA de Maryland protested outside
Governor Hogan’s mansion, his office
released another statement
The Baltimore City
Detention Center is simply complying with a request from the Obama
administration in regard to individuals who have already been detained. If CASA
has concerns about Obama’s Priority Enforcement Program, I would recommend they
take those concerns to the White House.

Priority Enforcement comes in light of President Obama’s
executive amnesty in late November last year, when he announced to the United
States that he would defer deportation and permit five million illegal aliens
to remain in the country who had not broken any other laws.

How ironic that a Republican governor in a deep blue state
is enforcing the law and enhances public safety all while rebuffing critics by
referencing the President’s own unconstitutional order to expand immigration
and benefits to illegal aliens.
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