US Senate candidate Todd Akin misspoke when he referred to forcible rape as "legitimate rape".

Those two words cannot coexist side by side. Rape by definition is illegitimate. Poor choice of words, nothing more.

Another unpalatable conjunction of words has labeled another trending issue: "marriage equality".

According to one Democratic activist, liberals do not like the phrase "gay marriage", but rather "marriage equality".

Equality is a major issue for liberals and Democrats, even though pushing equality as the means and the end of civil society creates uncivil consequences.

Some institutions are not open for change, not open to social engineering.

Marriage is one of them.

Homosexual interactions harm the very people who involve themselves with those activities.

The higher incidence of disease, dysfunction, and death is too great to ignore.

Contrary to the argument form liberal advocates, gay marriage is on the wrong side of history.

Greek city states lost population, eventually imploded. Homosexual conduct was a part of this breakdown, which included individual reluctance to marry and produce children to repopulate the cities. Those parents who did have children refused to raise them, leading to gang-like marauding in many towns.

Marriage equality is one step among many which makes nothing of man, marriage, and the long-term growth and prosperity of the state.

Furthermore, the institution of marriage requires that two people give up their rights to themselves and become something new: a married couple. No longer single lives, they two "I's" become an "Us", and share everything. Marriage is never about equality, but about mutual submission.

For this reason, many marriages are failing, because the two who marry refuse to become "one flesh". Such a division of selfish interest dooms a marriage from the beginning.

Marriage equality does not exist, no more than "legitimate rape".

The attitude of giving up oneself for something greater is foreign to many these days.

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