For Immediate Release: December 12, 2017
Contact: Garrett Murch, garrettmurch@mainegop.com
Maine GOP Chair statement on Shane Bouchard victory in Lewiston and sweeping Maine Mayoral races in 2017
AUGUSTA—Today, Maine Republican Party Chair Demi Kouzounas made the following statement congratulating Shane Bouchard upon being elected Lewiston's next Mayor:
"Lewiston voters made such a great decision today electing Shane Bouchard as their next Mayor, and they will be proud of it for years to come. Shane is a Lewiston native, a small businessman, and he will bring deep care and experience to work for his home town.
This year, Maine voters made their voices heard loud and clear in municipal elections. In all five of Maine's Mayoral races — in Waterville, Hallowell, Saco, Auburn, and now Lewiston — voters went out and chose Republican candidates, making it a 'Clean Sweep'.
I applaud these candidates for earning the trust of their constituents, and I'm proud of the hard work the GOP did on their behalf. Ultimately, Maine voters deserve the greatest credit for choosing candidates that represent the Maine GOP vision for a pro-business, pro-work future that will bring us success and prosperity for years to come–and make Maine a place where our kids can stay and succeed when they grow up."
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