For Immediate Release: January 30, 2018
Contact: Garrett Murch, garrettmurch@mainegop.com
Maine GOP Chair Statement on State of the Union Address
AUGUSTA—Today, Maine Republican Party Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas made the following statement following tonight's State of the Union Address:
"Tonight we heard great news from the President on Maine's and America's future. Our economy is in a major upswing, with unemployment at a 17-year low and wages rising after decades of stagnation. Paychecks are growing even more due to tax cuts for working people and small businesses that Senator Collins and Congressman Poliquin played crucial roles in fine-tuning. Unfair trade practices that have particularly hurt Maine are finally being addressed instead of being ignored. Our military is being rebuilt to give us peace through strength. And for the first time in a decade, we are getting back to a 'new normal' of hope and prosperity for the future. Our ship of state is now heading back in the right direction."
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