Maine GOP Presents: News You Can Trust
Here is a quick round-up of some key news items. 
At the Maine GOP we plan on providing you with a periodic update of key articles and opinions from around the state on topics that matter to you. 
If you are aware of a news article or event that should be included here, please email garrettmurch@mainegop.com with the link and information.
News You Can Trust Video Edition
Top Maine and National News
Senator Collins and Congressman Poliquin lead on providing tax relief for working families
This week, Congress passed historic tax relief legislation to give working families bigger paychecks. With key provisions added by Senator Susan Collins and Congressman Bruce Poliquin, the final bill is a winner for the middle class.
This tax relief will go into effect very soon, and when it does, working Mainers will see the difference in their paychecks. 
Starting this winter, there will be no tax on the first $24,000 a married couple earns. Parents with two children will get $4,000 a year for their child tax credits, instead of $2,000. Tax rates are cut for ALL tax brackets. Tax deductions for state and local property taxes are preserved for the VAST majority of Mainers. 
And in a critical win by Senator Collins that Congressman Poliquin also fought for in the House, the tax deduction for medical expenses was not only saved, but made even bigger. 
Maine's Republicans in Congress played a HUGE role in making this tax relief good for workers. They were national leaders and reminded us why the Maine people elected them.
We at the Maine GOP want to offer Senator Collins and Congressman Poliquin a BIG THANK YOU.
Senator Collins statement on passing tax reform for Maine working families
In advance of voting, Senator Collins explained the benefits of the tax relief bill she supports.
Senator Collins stated:
This bill puts money back in the pockets of the American public with tax cuts beginning January 1st. As soon as the IRS updates withholding tables this winter, taxpayers will see the benefit of this bill in higher take-home-pay. Over time, Americans will continue to benefit from this legislation in the form of higher wages. Businesses, small and large, will make the investments that create more jobs…
While this legislation is by no means perfect, on balance, it will provide much-needed tax relief. It will benefit lower- and middle-income families, while spurring the creation of good jobs and greater economic growth for our nation.
Congressman Poliquin statement on passing tax reform for Maine working families
Following House passage of tax relief for working Maine families and small businesses, Congressman Bruce Poliquin stated:
I agree with my colleague Senator Collins that this new law will drastically simplify our tax code for the vast majority of Mainers and save more money for more of our hardworking families…
“Under this simpler tax code, we are doubling the standard deduction, meaning the average married couple in Maine will not pay any federal income tax for the first $24,000 they earn, a huge boost for our families. In addition, this increases the child tax credit to $2,000, meaning the average Maine family will save an additional $2,000 on their taxes per child in their family. This makes it easier for ordinary Maine families to benefit from the tax code…
This improved tax code will also greatly benefit the more than 140,000 small businesses and job creators throughout Maine and their 275,000 employees by lowering the effective rate for pass-throughs, of which almost all small businesses are organized. It will allow small businesses in all industries to benefit from it. We are giving our small businesses—the backbone of Maine’s economy—relief so they can grow and create more jobs for our fellow Mainers.
Maine Examiner: Sen. Justin Chenette Used Tax Dollars To Buy Campaign Ads From Himself
This week, Maine Examiner reported:
…documents reviewed by Maine Examiner show that in the 2016 campaign cycle, Chenette used taxpayer funds to purchase advertising from his private sector employer, the Journal Tribune, to support his own candidacy for Maine Senate…
The transactions, discovered in filings with the Maine Ethics Commission, show Chenette purchasing nearly $4,500 in advertising from the Journal Tribune, which bills itself as York County’s only daily newspaper. Chenette is the sole Digital Advertising Executive for the paper and has promoted himself as being available to sell customers print, digital and other services at the paper on his personal Facebook page…
Recent online job postings indicate that advertising jobs such as Chenette’s at the Journal Tribune are paid a commission on sales…
In total, Chenette spent more than $42,000 in taxpayer funding on his campaign, returning $17.34 in unspent funds to the MCEA fund on November 28, 2016, according to reports available from the Maine Ethics Commission.
Maine Gubernatorial candidate announces hiring of senior campaign staff
This week, Senate President Mike Thibodeau today announced his campaign for governor will be headed up by Tom Dickens and Christie-Lee McNally.
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