San Pedro resident, teacher, engineer, and charity worker Lydia Gutierrez is running for Los Angeles Unified School Board, District Seven.

Lydia Gutierrez

Her challenger, incumbent Richard Vladovic, has been charged with numerous allegations of misconduct, including sexual harassment.

Richard Vladovic

Looking past the personal failings of the current school board member, the school board mismanagement of funds, and failures to protect children and maintain an efficient and effective public school program from Los Angeles youth should move all voters in the LAUSD District to vote for Lydia.

LAUSD , District Seven highlighted in yellow

 From the millions of dollars lost in payroll fiascos, the MiSIS foul-ups, the resignation of one Superintendent (John Deasy) for a predecessor (Ramon Cortines, who had been asked to resign previously), the leadership in the district has been distant and unaccountable, as well as dysfunctional, and even immoral.

Students are graduating from South LA schools without the skills to fill out job applications. LAUSD has been cutting vocational training programs, making it harder for students, graduating without any job-ready skills, to find sustainable employment.

Gutierrez has financial as well as educational experience. Her connections with neighborhood councils throughout the LA Harbor region have expanded her outreach. Her connections with diverse communities throughout the region, including Watts and South Los Angeles, have demonstrated her strong commitment to help all students.

Local leaders are also backing Gutierrez, fed up with the lack of respect and accountability from the current representatives.

Moreover, Lydia has experienced first-hand the failures of LAUSD bureaucracy, including the hastened rollout of Common Core, and the data mining which accompanies it. Now more than ever, LAUSD residents have the opportunity and necessity to elect principled, attentive leadership over their schools.

For more information about Gutierrez and her campaign, click on this link here.

For her latest radio interview, listen here.

On May 19, vote for Lydia Gutierrez for LAUSD School Board, District Seven.

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