Love is love, right?

That is the constant refrain we here from LGBT activists? Two people who are willing to live in a committed relationship should not be prevented from marrying each other, right?


"Love is love" makes about as much sense as "water is water," when you are comparing bottled water and toilet water. No, they are not the same.

Homosexual conduct is not healthy, not conducive to well-being or long-life. It is not even loving, considering the fact that the behaviors are inherently harmful to the two individuals who abuse each other. There are multiple mental health problems which follow from such conduct, and which cause such conduct.

On average homosexuals have an average of 50 partners. Does that really sound like love?

And consider this brazen admission from an outspoken homosexual activist in Southeast Asia:

Opinion: I’m In
An Open Relationship & There’s Absolutely Nothing Wrong With It

My name is Otto
Fong and I have been in an open relationship with my partner Han for the past
16 years.

He's very open about being in an open relationship. Wow.

What I am about
to say is probably going to earn me a lot of hate. But I believe it’s time
someone in the gay community address the elephant in the room that is open
relationships. Because this is a conversation that we can all learn a lesson or
two about diversity from.

 This homosexual activist acknowledges that homosexuals by and large engage in all kinds of open relationships. In other words, they are NOT faithful to their individual partners, and even with the advent of so-called "gay marriage," (in reality, false marriage), there is no constant of fidelity. NONE!

If gay people
see different ideas of relationships as alien or something shameful, how can we
ask straight people to see gay relationships differently?

What Is An Open

For the
uninitiated, an open relationship is a relationship in which both partners
agree to some form of non-monogamy. Simply put, you can do ABC with other guys
besides your partner but not XYZ. For Han and me, our only condition is that we
cannot form an emotional attachment with other men. So whatever relations we
have with others remains purely physical.

 It's stunning how homosexuals will cladestinely explain how they repeatedly cheat on the very people whom they claim to be committed to.

It's really stunning how Otto Fong admits that he just uses other men. That is not love! That is a form of hate, that is a form of slavery and dishonor. Human beings are not just sex objects, but notice how easily he objectifies other people. "You can do ABC with other guys but not XYZ."

Is that what love amounts to for homosexuals? 

But while open
relationships have worked out incredibly well for us, Han is actually the first
partner that I’ve ever been in an open relationship with. Before I met Han,
I’ve never even considered the prospect of an open relationship with any of my

Whatever emotional needs that Otto or Han or anyone else may have, they discover pretty quickly that those needs can never be met. The emotional harm, the sexual abuse, the confusion that homosexuals have endured at a young age, none of these traumas get resolved in sexual degeneracy and profligacy.

Being an avid
reader of gay literature, I’ve come across the concept of open relationships
numerous times. But growing up in a heteronormative world, it never occurred to
me to try it although it sounded intriguing. I simply accepted that it is taboo
and not to be discussed openly.

 Gay literature? He means "pornography," but he won't acknowledge his addiction to pornography ando the illicit materials, because then he would have to admit, whether directly or otherwise, that he is in bondage to destructive behaviors and a degrading false identity.

Nobody in my
social circle talked about it. We didn’t start broaching the subject until we
were all in our 30s. But when we did, that was when I realised that there are
other couples practicing open relationships in the gay community!

Once again, homosexuals often practice adultery and polygamy. There is nothing wholesome or stable about this kind of conduct. Once again, you cannot say that this is love in any form.

Relationships In The Gay Community

In retrospect,
it makes perfect sense. Do I have solid evidence to back my assumption up? Of
course not. Actual data for open relationships in straight or gay relationships
are absent. How many straight men have secret wives or families abroad or
across the Causeway? How many desperate housewives are friendly with the
delivery boys? I do not know.

There is indeed plenty of evidence about homosexuals and open relationships.

30% of Gay Men Are in Open Relationships, According to NewStudy

Why are so many gay couples in open relationships?

Why do so many gay couples open up their relationships?

Open Relationships, Nonconsensual Nonmonogamy, and MonogamyAmong U.S. Adults: Findings from the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health andBehavior

Gay Men, Parenting, and Open Relationships: Making It Work


When we grew
up, there was no culture that was acceptable for gay people. We had to find our
ways through trial and error. Nobody was there to tell us what we should do and
what we shouldn’t do. We never grew up with a socially accepted notion of how a
gay couple should be like.

The biggest impediment among homosexuals for acceptance is from … homosexuals themselves. Click here.

How can they claim to accept themselves whem they go to great lengths to cheat on one another, fall into repeated patterns of sexual dysfunction

If we had
something acceptable by social standards, we might have something to conform
to. It’s the same thing for straight couples. Monogamous relationships don’t
fit them all. They will try to adhere to that model although some might cheat
because that model doesn’t suit them. Free from social restrictions that bind
most heterosexual couples, we were free to explore alternative forms of
relationships. And it’s evident that some of us chose some form of open


In my view, sex
and love are two separate issues. A lot of people like to collapse the two into
one whereby you cannot have sex without love. If it works for them, all the
power to them. But it might not work for everybody. And research has shown that
men are more capable of separating love and sex as compared to women.

 Notice how sex is treated as a debased commodity, rather than commitment to a person. How hateful can one get? Yet this kind of degrading disregard is all too common in homosexual circles. There is something really wrong here. "Love is love"? No, not really.

Now check out what Ricky Martin admitted, too:

Actor/singer Ricky Martin: ‘Open’ relationships should be
the norm for homosexuals

'It’s good for the world. It’s good for me as a gay man with
kids' to choose to have multiple partners, the Puerto Rican performer said.

No, open relationships are not good for the world, because they are bad for kids and they are bad for a stable society and culture. The utter shamelessness of promoting such selfish degeneracy is the norm, sadly, with homosexuals. It's beyond degrading at this point: it's destructive!

March 2, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — Singer Ricky Martin says he
wants to “normalize” homosexual relationships to the point that each partner
has sex with as many others as he or she wishes.

It is not normal for a man and a woman to have multiple partners outside of their marriage. It can never be normal for two people of the same sex to get married, and it certainly can never be normal for two falsely married men or women to claim that they love each other and believe in any kind of familial fidelity all while sleeping around with all kinds of other people.

This is really revoling. It's not love, but a form of self-loathing and emptiness that can never be sated or satisfied. It's really tragic, but it's also quite wicked because of the harm perpetrated on others.

In a lengthy and candid interview by E. Alex Jung of
Vulture, the entertainer spoke about his role as murdered fashion designer
Gianni Versace’s homosexual partner Antonio D’Amico in FX's “The Assassination
of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.”

Asked about the “open” gay couple D’Amico and Versace,
Martin responded personally.  “I want to
normalize relationships like this,” Martin said. 

The fact that Martin insists on trying to normalize something just goes to show that it's not normal in the first place, and that it can never be normal.

After Versace’s killing, D’Amico proudly proclaimed, “My
relationship was very open and free with Gianni.” D’Amico infamously admitted
they bought escorts and brought men for “visits.” 

Nevertheless, the Puerto Rican singer had nothing but high
praise for the D’Amico/Versace relationship, in which D’Amico was subservient
and Versace was dominant. Martin spoke glowingly of the homosexuals’ “unity,”
“security,” and “trust.”

There is no unity when a man abuses his body with other men, and there can be no security or trust, especially when considering the high level of venereal disease that spread and infects homosexual populations. It's laughable, yet not very surprising, to see homosexual activists and advocates redefining words in order to justify themselves.

“We want to normalize … open relationships,” Martin told his
Vulture interviewer.  “There’s absolutely
nothing wrong. We’re just two very self-secure men that are completely in love
with each other, that trust each other to the maximum level … ”

Martin says such promiscuity and unaccountability is a
positive, loving thing for homosexuals. “It’s good for the world,” he said.
“It’s good for me as a gay man with kids.”

This statement makes it concrete and clear: homosexuals do not want to be accountable to anyone. They just want to please themselves and put aside the needs of everyone else. A number of researchers have pointed out homosexuals

In 2008, Martin paid a woman to carry and give birth to his
twin sons, Matteo and Valentino. 

For 14 years, Martin had a steady girlfriend, Mexican TV
host and model Rebecca de Alba, but he “came out” as homosexual in 2010. He
said going public with his homosexual behavior made him feel liberated. 

“There’s this emptiness; it doesn’t matter what you created.
Living with this emptiness, it’s not how I want to live. And then one day you
find the strength, you don’t know from where, and you just do it for yourself,
you do it for your kids,” he said, adding a quote from murdered San Francisco
city councilman Harvey Milk: “‘You need to come out, ‘cause then it’s normal.’“

Emptiness is the norm for homosexuals, as they are trying to deal with attachment issues or overcome the abuse, trauma, and/or neglect and confusion they suffered when they were younger. This emptiness cannot be removed with promiscuity and indiscriminate sex. It just doesn't work.

Final Reflection

Homosexuality is not conducive to real love. Abuse, lies, dishonesty, cheating, adultery, open relationships are the sad norm in this sorry community of harm and lust. It's really a shame, but they need to stop saying "Love is love," as though there is nothing wrong or even different in two men pretending to be married vs. the stable, healthy, moral coupling of one man and one woman in holy matrimony.

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