California Attorney General Kamala Harris could win the Democratic Party
nomination for US Senate in 2016. Like Presidential contender Hillary Clinton,
she threw her name out for consideration within days of incumbent Barbara
Boxer's unique (if not strange) announcement to retire in 2016. (Of course,
Boxer's decision not to run was not the biggest surprise to connected
California politicos, since the ineffectual progressive had little
campaign cash on hand, with no intention of raising more.)

Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris, a Bay Area political fixture of mixed Jamaican-South East
Asian heritage, from San Francisco by way of Oakland, who defeated one of the
most popular moderate Republicans in Los Angeles (and California), is another
upstart success story, much like Hillary. However, with the rising reports of
corruption as well as misconduct dogging her, she might want
to rethink her similarities (and chances) to Hillary Clinton.

 Like Hillary, Kammy's love interests have propelled her political

 In 1994, just before State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown lost his
powerful post, the
Los Angeles Times reported

Former Speaker Willie Brown

Brown, exercising his power even as his speakership seems near an end,
named attorney Kamala Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a
job that pays $72,000 a year.

Harris, a former deputy district attorney in Alameda County, was
described by several people at the Capitol as Brown's girlfriend. In March, San
Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen called her "the Speaker's new
steady." Harris declined to be interviewed Monday and Brown's spokeswoman
did not return phone calls.

The Daily
, which referenced the above, also reported:

The Brown-Harris affair didn’t last long. She was spotted dating talk
show host Montel Williams in 2001, but Brown continued to support her, helping
her as mayor to become San Francisco’s first black district attorney over
Terence Hallinan, a popular two-term incumbent.

Hillary had Bubba. Kamala had Brown. Oh brother.

Like Hillary, issues of transparency are uncovering the true motives of
AG Harris' run for federal office. Eden
Stiffman reports

California Attorney General Kamala Harris is backing new
that would boost transparency requirements for
third-party fundraisers and extend the statute of limitations for certain

Third party fundraisers likely refer to Independent Expenditures (IE), which
promote freedom of speech and association in the political process, following
the Citizens United decision, universally loathed by the Left,
championed by many interest groups large and small. A number of California
Republicans won critical 2014 election contests with IE assistance. Democrats
cannot complain, since they rely on third-party funding for their campaigns,

California law requires "commercial fundraisers" to include a
disclosure in charity solicitations whenever a portion of a donor’s charitable
contributions will go to a for-profit company. However, some fundraisers have
skirted that requirement by establishing their operations as "fundraising
counsel" instead of "commercial fundraiser."

Of course, the transparency requirement focuses on "for-profit",
but what about labor unions and left-leaning non-profits, which have unduly
promoted regressive policies at the expense of tax-paying, law-abiding

Kamala Harris with former AG Eric Holder

the end of 2013
, CalWatchdog blasted Harris' legal yet blatant corruption:

[T]here’s something particularly odious about how Harris has put her
finger on the scale of justice with the ballot language for a trial-lawyer
measure to up the amount they can wring out of doctors through
medical-malpractice lawsuits. Dan Walters
the details
earlier this week.

SacBee's Political columnist Dan Walters explained:

“[I]ts real aim is reflected very briefly in the final sentence — to
modify the state’s 38-year-old cap on ‘pain and suffering’ damages in medical
malpractice cases.'”

While dressing up a ballot initiative to hold bad doctors accountable,
Harris wanted to make it easier for trial lawyers to score large judgments in
lawsuits. No matter how necessary a legal system for redress of wrongs, lawsuit
abuse in the state of California is driving up costs, driving away businesses,
and driving through individual Californians' lingering opportunities for work,
wealth, and prosperity.

Earlier in 2015, The
New York Observer reported
another disturbing trend in connection with
AG Harris:

Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski declared months ago in a much-quoted opinion that there is “an epidemic
of Brady violations abroad in the land.” . . . But here’s another
doozy: The People (of California) v. Efrain Velasco-Palacios. In this
unpublished opinion from the Fifth Appellate District, the California Court of
Appeal reveals that state prosecutors and California Attorney General Kamala
Harris continue to be part of the problem. Ms. Harris and her staff defended
the indefensible—California State prosecutor Murray flat out falsified a
transcript of a defendant’s confession.

expose revealed
AG Harris' connections with a nefarious, extralegal aide,
working with an underground cult impersonating police officers:

An aide to California Attorney General Kamala Harris and two others
claiming to be part of the "Masonic Fraternal Police Department" and
descendants of the Knights Templar were arrested last week on suspicion of
impersonating police officers.

Brandon Kiel, the deputy director of community affairs at the California
Department of Justice, has been placed on administrative leave according to
The Los Angeles Times. Two others, David
Henry and Tonette Hayes, were also placed in custody.

Hillary Clinton

 Not exactly Clinton Cash, but this culture of corruption is
wearing down Korrupt Kammy's chances.

Since the inevitable Krazy Kammy train is proving not so invincible,
another Democrat has thrown her name out of the US Senate seat: Congresswoman
Loretta Sanchez of Santa Ana
. A candidate with a
unique and controversial profile
, pro-military and pro-business , along
wither her Latino heritage and Southern California connections, Sanchez could
derail the Bay Area political Robber Barons who have decided
California elections for decades.

Kamala Harris certainly is a California version of Hillary Clinton, as her
campaign diminishes with allegations of misconduct and corruption. Die-hard
progressives and well-researched pundits are still searching for something
better. More Democrats are mulling US Senate bids. As for the Republicans in
the race, Assemblyman Rocky Chavez of Oceanside, former CA GOP Chairman Tom Del
Beccaro, and Fresno farmer John Estrada, they could profit from Democratic
in-fighting to gain momentum in California’s large (and expensive) media

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