The newly installed Libyan Prime Minister, a former professor from the University of Alabama, pledged:

"I am a son of all Libyans. I will represent everyone and share wealth with everyone."

Already I am worried.

Government that shares wealth is government that takes from some to appease all.

This is poverty in the making.

Communism is built on enforced, equalized poverty — this is very bad.

The other ministers for the Libyan government have sworn to uphold the ideals of the Revolution that toppled the Gadhafi regime.

What those principles are, no one has established. Gadhafi came to power in the throes of revolutionary fervor, which gave birth to a 42-year tyranny that harassed member Arab states and rattled international nerves.

What this new government has in store for the Libyan people and the rest of the world is anyone's guess, but the outcome does not look good.

Democracy cannot thrive without democratic values. A violent revolution that dispatched the life of its long-reigning dictator, without trial or restraint, suggests that the rule of law will struggle to prominence at best. Seif-al Gadhafi, the heir-apparent recently captured in the Southern Saharas fleeing to neighboring Mali, will be put on trial. Will it represent the hoped-for system of justice which eluded so many?

In all likelihood, no. A country which had no qualms expelling a Jew intent on reopening the closed synagogue in Tripoli, which has no discernible unity from East to West, which has inadvertently invaded to Tunisia and whose rebellious fighters have raped and harassed prisoners of war — there is very little to indicate on the ground that Libya will rise from Gadhafi's ashes into a new birth of freedom, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

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