If not for the Earthquakes wreaking havoc on the Japanese, the threat of nuclear meltdown would not be troubling the Japanese, or dissuading future investors in nuclear energy.

Nations have nothing to fear from nuclear energy, one of the safest means of providing energy for a burgeoning modern world. France supplies 70% of the nation's energy through nuclear power. They have not suffered through meltdowns, mechanical setbacks, or natural disasters like those afflicting Japan.

Rather than condemning nuclear energy in itself as a dangerous and unreliable energy source, the media must focus on the political and environmental factors surrounding potential meltdowns.

The world must factor in the precarious geology which defines this island nation. Moreover, the active faultlines in this country did not wreak as much havoc as the magnitude 7 earthquake that destroyed Haiti. Japan's infrastructure has minimized the long-term damage from widespread flooding, road damage, and loss of life.

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