My name is Arthur Christopher Schaper, a resident of Torrance, CA, a suburb of Los Angeles.

I have been watching the US Senate races all over the country with great interest because I want to see as many legislators as possible who will repeal ObamaCare, extend the tax cuts, and stop the spending.

Despite Congressman Akin’s unfortunate remarks, I am glad that he is bravely choosing to stay in the race. I am asking all Missourians to vote for Akin for US Senate.

This country needs politicians who speak up yet are not afraid to admit when they have misspoken.

The real gaffes have come from the “Mainstream Media” and the GOP Establishment, because they have attacked sound-bites instead of indicting the tax-and-spend ways of Washington. Missouri, and the rest of the country, are still hurting under the Obama-McCaskill agenda of Big Government and Less Liberty. Senator McCaskill has voted for Washington more than for Missouri or for the United States.

We need more limited government types like Todd Akin who will limit the role of the federal government and national party pandering. The collusion of the two has instigated rising debts, growing deficits, and a dysfunctional government on the road to default.

I hope Todd Akin wins in November. He will send a lout message to Washington on behalf of all Americans who favor less government and more freedom. I hope that voters in Missouri will look past the missteps and step up for Akin, Missouri, and the country.

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