Here's a letter to the editor that I received two weeks ago following LA for Trump's growing success in the media and online:
Hi, I see from your YouTube video "HARIM!!! Pro-TrumpAll the Way!" 
What the L.A. police did in "Little Crazy Girl AttacksTrump Supporters until LAPD has to cancel event for safety #DNN"   is quite probably illegal. They cannot just say that for everyone's safety,
anyone's 1st Amendment rights are disregarded. As exactly happened in that
incident, this illegal attitude would give a few violent minded agitators the
ability to shut down the free speech of others. This is the so-called
"heckler's veto".
This case was successfully argued by the American Freedom
Law Center.
“This was a complete victory for the Constitution and for
all freedom-loving Americans who enjoy the protections of the First
Amendment.  This decision makes clear
that the First Amendment protects speech critical of Islam and that when the
government seeks to suppress such speech by enforcing a heckler’s veto that
favors the violent Muslim mob over the free speech rights of Christians, the
government will pay dearly for this egregious violation of the Constitution.” (Click here)
Please forward this information to Mr. Uzziel, or provide me
with his email address. I do  not use
FaceBook. Please also note that the arrogant individual government officials
who ordered the 1st Amendment violations are held *personally* responsible —
which means money from them to the plaintiffs. The possibilities here seem to
be many, from finding free private legal counsel for Mr. Uzziel to possibly
getting the U.S. D.O.J. involved.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x