Once again,
The Daily Breeze spends more time pitying
the poor illegal aliens and their plight. They should be covering and caring
about Americans in need, including our own homeless, foster kids, our veterans,
and the 95 million people who are still searching for work.
aliens should not be the subject of compassion or sob stories. They should be
deported. Of course they should be afraid to sign up for food stamps. They
shouldn’t even be in the country!
Even legal
immigrants should not be using public assistance. Many of my friends who
immigrated to this country signed waivers clearly indicating that they would
not take public assistance of taxpayer-funded welfare.

Again, I
am so grateful for our President Donald Trump. He is enforcing our immigration
laws and ensuring that Americans are placed first. The fact that his
deportation orders are scaring illegals away from welfare is even better.
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