Maybe that reporter would like to report this.see news clips below. 

I don't know about you Arthur, but I am done hearing I'm  racist every time I try to speak Facts.
Truth is Dreamers, you have been given a free pass for the last 5 years plus. You have been given an education, where English as a second language is taught, free breakfast and free Lunches, then American citizens ( all colors of skins and walks of life)Children's programs are cut. Fact.
I have seen no proof that the Dreamers contributions have been more than they have taken from taxpayers. 

We all want to live the Dream . But is this fair to all the people ( all colors of skin and walks of life) that have come here legally? That you get a free pass. I think Not. 

Besides being called racist, I have been told you are not being Christian, or is that what Jesus would want?  you all have played on Christians for years using that argument. Well you can't just pick and choose what parts of the Bible you live by. The Bible does say to follow the laws of the land.
Dreamers you have learned so much while you have been here illegally. You can go to your home land and share you college education, your welcome!! Make your) Nation Great again. While we work on this Nation. 

You cannot pick and choose which laws you want to follow.

Our President Trump has a huge heart, most of the Dreamers have at least 6 months for congress to get it together- many of you have like 2 more years.maybe you could work on getting legal citizenship, instead of taking for granted that it's ok to break the law of the land having all the privileges of being a citizen, when in you are here illegally. You need to take some responsibility in this Dreamers. Stop with right of entitlement.

Our President Trump, the President of the United States of America should be respected, holding the highest office in our land. but you are Not. You  are out protesting against our President Trump. NONE of this is his fault, none of it- you want to blame someone- well. Former President Obama and law makers are where you look. They did this by not fixing this immigration issue 5 plus years ago. Realistically , y'all benefited from it. Right. 

How do you have the right to protest against a President that is not your President? Maybe this isn't really where you belong after all.


An American Citizen 

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