To the Voters of New Hampshire:

My name is Arthur Christopher Schaper, a voter in Southern California who has been following the GOP political race for the Presidential Nomination with great interest.

I am impressed, though not surprised, that Congressman Ron Paul received such a strong showing in Iowa, considering that he has attracted a faithful and well-informed following.

Despite empty and false allegations of racism and isolationism against Ron Paul, I believe that a growing number of voters disillusioned with the statist status quo of Big Government Washington are finding out for themselves the truth about the Texas Congressman. He is a capable statesman, a consistent politician, and the most vocal and evident galvanizing force for limited government and deficit reduction in Washington today, speaking out on issues that still weigh on many people's minds.

Concord, Massachusetts was the site for "The Shot Heard Round the World" that set off the American Revolution.

I think that Concord, New Hampshire could be the site for another rousing wake-up call, one that ignites the Second American Revolution, lead by a Ron Paul presidency that restores to Americans their rights from a tyrannical government run amok with waste, regulation, war-mongering, and dysfunction.

Please vote Congressman Ron Paul in your state's upcoming Primary.

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