I commend the legislators of Mississippi for summoning the courage to tackle an issue which threatens the cohesion and care of every community in the nation: illegal immigration.
I am saddened that civil rights groups and business interests have conspired to discourage much needed intervention in a problem which threatens the fiscal and cultural efficacy of hospitals, schools, and public safety.
From Arizona to South Carolina, border states, including my native California, have borne the brunt of the problem, which harms widespread elements and has frustrated interested parties, who either want to cull easy votes from terrified minorities, or wish to take advantage of tight connections with agricultural interests. Alabama has witnessed a marked decline in real unemployment, and Arizona has commanded a great deal of respect for taking a stance on a prominent, though hardly popular, issue.
Despite the empty rancor of vocal interest groups who champion amnesty at the expense of integrity and legality, I believe that the lawmakers of Mississippi deserve recognition and support from both sides of the political divide for initiating legislation in the best interests of all people, legal or illegal, immigrant or natural born citizen.