I love it when pundits discount Ron Paul over and over, and the GOP primary fight is far from over!

Larry Elder has done it. Charles Krauthammer did not even mention him in the few weeks before Iowa, which had looked like a tug-of-war between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

Ron Paul has held some wacky views in the past. I am dismayed to read that he considered the Palestinians an oppressed state under apartheid-like conditions. I do not accept that assessment.

Still, Congressman Paul is the only GOP presidential candidate who has demonstrated a penchant for fighting against Big Government and espousing clearly and consistently constituioanl and libertarian principles.

Unlike many in the mainstream and on the left, I do not think that Congressman Paul's move to do away with the IRS is an extreme move.

I am neither dissuade by his inability up to now to form a strong caucus around his values in Congress. Instead, the Tea Party caucus, headed by Congresswoman Michele Bachman, has done very well coalescing strong opposition to the statist status quo. However, she has Dr. Paul to thank for his diligence in bringing the issues of monetary insanity, a Fed gone bad, and runnning national debt and annual deficits, all of which are threatening the American hegemony, both foreign and domestic.

"He has core values. Alas he has no middle."

The United States has had "middling middle value" politicians long enough. It's time that the voters in this country had the opportunity to demand a real stop to the fiscal chaos that is drowning this country in debt and draining away our present values and future posterity.

Congressman Ron Paul is the best candidate to make this case to the country. Even if he does not win the nomination, he will have galvanized another generation of voters who will not lie down and watch as the federal government fritters away the future with runaway taxation, outrageous spending, and chronic affronts to the United States Constitution.

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