
I know you are a liberal (jerk, knee-jerk, or well-informed, I won't judge! :)).

We probably do not see eye to eye on many things. But wouldn't you agree that private initiative and local control does better for the American Citizen than Leviathan Federal Government?!

And another thing I am getting tired of (are you, too?): all the rah-rah about Ronald Reagan among Republicans!

I'm glad the Gipper got people to question the role of government in our lives. But the guy sure didn't do much about it!

Current historians are even questioning whether the massive expenditures in the armed forces really brought down the Soviet Union!

At any rate, all the deficit spending that is bankrupting this country will send us into the deep, no matter what our view of government may be.

Instead of framing fiscal sanity as right or left, why can't we all just mind our own business, pay our own debts, and keep the government out our lives as much as possible? It seems to me that's what the United States Constitution spelled out so succinctly nearly two hundred years ago.

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