Dear Arthur,

There is only one bill to end decades of forced unionism and its stranglehold on the wallets of working Americans — the National Right to Work Act.

But the only way you and I will ever be able to force roll-call votes in Congress on the National Right to Work Act is to turn up the heat on the politicians.

That's why I recently started an all-out Cosponsor Blitz to ramp up our grassroots programs into high gear before Congress leaves on their August break.

You see, the more pro-freedom Americans you and I can identify and mobilize, the more grassroots pressure we can apply to wavering politicians to take action on the National Right to Work Act.

More grassroots pressure means more cosponsors, and maximizing the number of cosponsors is critical to ultimately force roll-call votes.

That's why I set a deadline for myself and my staff, and reached out to you for help to raise the funds necessary to mobilize 16,000 new grassroots supporters in each targeted district to help add 22 new cosponsors in the next 45 days.

Arthur, the deadline for meeting this goal was midnight last night.

But this isn't the end, Arthur. I've made the decision to extend the deadline through Sunday, July 30th.

You see, thanks to a generous contribution from of one of the Committee's best supporters, I can offer you a special matching grant for this fundraising program.

Until we hit our new deadline on Sunday, every donation you give will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, by the contribution from a generous Committee supporter, DOUBLING the impact of your gift!

This special extension means that if you haven't yet had the chance, there's still time to chip in — and thanks to this special matching grant, you can do more than ever!

Even if you've already chipped in, I hope you'll go the extra mile and make a second contribution to the Cosponsor Blitz. This program is that important.

Don't let this opportunity go to waste. Please click here to chip in with a generous contribution of $10 or $20.


Arthur, your Committee has a battle-proven plan to identify and mobilize 16,000 new pro-freedom Americans in each targeted district to put pressure on vulnerable members of Congress and demand they cosponsor the National Right to Work Act.

And once we maximize the number of cosponsors, then we can ultimately push for up-or-down roll-call votes in both the House and the Senate.

But we cannot make any progress without your support.

And that's why it's so important you take advantage of this special matching grant.

Every generous contribution you make will have twice the impact, Arthur. 

But to make this work, I need your response by Sunday.

Won't you please chip in immediately before the deadline?


With a fully-funded Cosponsor Blitz, your Committee will be able to run hard-hitting campaigns — including email, Facebook, and targeted mailing campaigns — designed to put pressure on vulnerable Congressmen, demanding they cosponsor the National Right to Work Act.

These mobilization tactics have a proven track record.

But without the full amount, I'm worried that our efforts won't be nearly as effective — delaying real progress on the National Right to Work Act!

I cannot stress the necessity of this fund enough. Please contribute a generous donation of at least $10 today.

I know I can count on you.

Mark Mix, President
National Right to Work Committee

P.S. I've decided to offer a special extension on this National Right to Work Act Cosponsor Blitz. The new deadline is Sunday, July 30th.

But even more importantly, thanks to the one of the Committee's most generous supporters, I can offer you a special matching grant.

Every donation you give will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, doubling your pro-life impact!

Don't let this opportunity go to waste. Please click here to chip in with a generous contribution of $10 or $20.

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