In some Facebook groups, there are some dedicated, embittered leftists who are determined to smear, defame, attack, and shame me.

But it makes no difference, because I claim a wonderful promise:

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue
which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of
the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD." (Isaiah 54:17)

Another verse comes to mind when I see some of the more heated invective from these hatemongers:

"They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed
down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen
themselves. Selah." (Psalm 57:6)

There is one militant leftist, bigoted in too many ways to list on this page.

Her name is Leah Enciso. Here is her Facebook page (click here)

Here she is dressed as a witch:

Here's another strange photo:

I am not sure why she insists on repeating pictures of herself. Such a focus on oneself seems quite narcisistic, to say the least.

And here she is with her latest smear:

For some reason, Leah Enciso equates Black Lives Matter with caring about black lives. The same BLM domestic terrorist group that has been burning down black businesses, celebrating the death of black police officers, and ignores the repeated murder of black lives in urban areas — Enciso thinks that Black Lives Matter cares about all those black lives …

Captain David Dorn was murdered by BLM activists
Didn't his life matter? Not to Leah Enciso …

It's quite clear that Enciso does not think black lives matter at all. A desperate hypocrisy.

But let's not stop there.

She supports this so-called "LGBT community." Since when do behaviors that harm individuals and groups of people as a whole constitute a "community"? 

Why are schools teaching children that it is OK to abuse their bodies, aka engage in homosexual acts? Why does Leah think it's OK for people who have been abused, neglected, or molested, who in turn fall into the destructive homosexual lifestyle, should be left to suffer? Don't they deserve help? Don't they deserve to be set free?

This is a community: men and women who left the gay lifestyle

This community and their lives matter, but Leah does not think so.
These are men and women who abandoned the LGBT "community" and its lies

Why does Leah Enciso insist on damning men and women who have left homosexuality, transgenderism, and the like as haters? This is just so sad, so disgusting. She probably thinks it's OK for adult sex entertainers to groom children. Would she object to sex offenders being around children in so-called Drag Queen Story Hour?

LGBT Community .. does that include sex offenders reading to children?
Does Leah support this, too?

Last of all, she says the term "anti-immigrant", without taking into account that I have worked with men and women of all backgrounds who immigrated to this country. 

What Enciso really means is that she wants open borders, full amnesty for illegal alien lawbreakers, and a complete disdain for cultures. In other words, she thinks that Mexicans are anti-immigrant, since they enact harsh laws in that country against illegal immigration. She must think that Singapore (and Singaporeans) are anti-immigrant, since they do not tolerate anyone breaking into their country. One has to wonder if Mrs. Enciso could find Singapore on a map …

Let's be frank: Enciso is anti-immigrant. She despises and spits on the efforts of men and women who worked hard, played by the rules, and entered the United States legally. Simple as that.

Worst of all, though, Enciso promotes a hate group called The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has a long track record of abuse, racism, and bigotry.

They smear Muslims.  

They smear Jews like Brian Camenker (The founder of MassResistance, who experienced discrimination as a Jew in Minnesota), Arthur Goldberg (who was targeted by the anti-Semitic SPLC with vexatious litigation for helping clients who wanted freedom from destructive sexual addictions), Russell Jaffe (who was falsely targeted for a crime that he did not commit), and The Jewish Defense League, an organization which was formed to protect Jewish people from violent Anti-Semitic attacks from Islamic militants and neo-nazis.

The SPLC targets immigrants, like the men and women who have joined The Remembrance Project. Maria Espinoza and others give these grieving mothers and fathers a voice because their children were murdered by illegal aliens. Since when is caring for grieving families hate? Only to the SPLC … and apparently Leah Enciso, too.

They target black children, like the ones attending charter schools in Mississippi.

A former employee, Bob Moser, wrote a disturbing exposé outlining the massive corruption and hypocrisy of the SPLC. They treated the minority employees like "hired help", and the institute routinely denigrated those employees.

Morris Dees, the co-founder of this hate group, was later fired from the SPLC for promoting the very sexism, bigotry (and sexual misconduct!) that he and his organization supposedly opposes.

Liberal activists like Nathan Robinson despise the SPLC for fundraising off of misled corporations with misleading hit pieces.

Even the Washington Post declared that the SPLC had lost all credibility.

Why does Leah Enciso celebrate and promote hate? Why does she hide behind left-wing buzzwords and identitarian tokenism to justify her hate?

She refuses to answer these questions. Perhaps you should ask her yourself!

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