Instead of heeding the warnings of US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, statewide Democratic candidates are more interested in pushing their left-wing, anti-Trump, anti-safety agenda and demanding complete protection for illegal aliens from federal law enforcement officials.

Dave Jones, the current Insurance Commissioner, wants to push out Xavier Becerra, who's already in hot water and under pressure to comply with federal law. Becerra is standing by his corrupt decision to punish private businesses who work with ICE.

He is also standing by the evil, foolish law SB 54 to prevent law enforcement from cooperating with ICE to share key data to get rid of violent criminals, thugs, sex traffickers, and all other manner of vile human criminality.

You have to see this to believe it. Dave Jones is actually campaigning in direct defiance of the US Attorney General, President Trump, and the United States Constitution:

Dear Arthur, 

While our current Attorney General was scheduled to speak at the law enforcement gathering where Attorney General Sessions announced his law suit against California,  I was proud to be the only statewide law enforcement leader outside on the street with hundreds protesting AG Sessions.
We sent a clear message to Attorney General Sessions and President Trump.
California will not be bullied.  We will defend our laws and our law abiding immigrant communities.  We wont cooperate in the deportation of our neighbors, our co-workers, our classmates, or the parents of our childrens' friends or their children.
As Insurance Commissioner, I lead a law enforcement agency.  I have directed my law enforcement officers that we will not cooperate with ICE, consistent with the sanctuary state law SB 54.   We wont be stopped by Attorney General Sessions lawsuit.
I was proud to stand with defenders of immigrants rights to support SB 54. As California's next Attorney General, I will do everything in my power and in the law to defend California from the Trump Administration.
If you have not already done so, I hope you will join our campaign to elect a fighter, not a follower, to the office of Attorney General.

Dave Jones
California Insurance Commissioner and Candidate for Attorney General

Dave Jones for Attorney General
"A Fighter, Not a Follower."
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We don't need a social justice warrior. We need a law enforcement officer!
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