State Senator Ricardo Lara brought a key witness to pull at the heart-strings of the Assembly Judiciary Committee.

Anthony Villareal.

He just wants to marry the man that he loves, and he was not allowed to engage in a same-sex relationship at the "bigoted" William Jessup University.

Of course, there is so much more to the story, which the liberal media and the LGBT lobby does not want anyone to know.

The SacBee first reported:

Anthony Villarreal, 25, speaks about his expulsion from William Jessup University, a private Christian school in Rocklin. Villarreal believes he was expelled because he was gay. The school says he was expelled because of an arrest for domestic violence. Senate Bill 1146, a bill that would have allowed students like Villarreal to sue religious schools for discrimination, will be amended by its author Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, on Thursday to remove key provisions. — Anshu Siripurapu 

The Sacramento Bee offered a very "balanced" view of the altercation.

A news report from 2014 suggested something else:

A Sacramento student claims he was kicked out of a Christian College in
Rocklin 2 months before earning his Bachelor’s degree, because he is gay.
“What makes me the most angry is before any investigations were done,
allegations were made by administrators, at William Jessup University,” said
Anthony Villarreal.
Villarreal was attending William Jessup University on a partial
athletic scholarship for cross country running. He says his enrollment status
was initially questioned after he got into a fight with his boyfriend inside
their own home on July 9, 2013.

“I was booked under domestic abuse and resisting arrest, of which the
charges have been dropped by the DA,” said Villarreal.

So … there was a domestic altercation. Hmm.
And there's more:
Villarreal said because of his status as a student athlete, he was
required to speak to school administrators regarding the details of his arrest.
“That’s when I felt I was forced to tell them he’s my boyfriend. They
said okay, well you know you’re breaking the student handbook contract by
living with your boyfriend?” said Villarreal.
William Jessup University’s student handbook reads: “Students who
engage in unmarried heterosexual cohabitation or any homosexual/bisexual
activity will be subject to judicial action.”

I applaud Jessup University's clear outlines of their code of conduct.
Homosexuality is not an identity. It's a beahvior, and it's not condoned at a Biblical school/
Then there's this:
Villarreal said he was interested in attending the Christian college
because he liked the campus. He claims he did not know the student handbook
said anything about cohabitation or homosexuality.
“Had I been aware that any of this was enforced I would not have
attended this university,” said Villarreal.

So, this poor LGBT victim was potentially involved in domestic abuse.
And … he did not read the university's student handbook.
Those decisions are his fault, not the university.
And why didn't anyone of us hear about this in the first place?
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