Lady Diana Spencer–former spouse of Prince Charles–died in a terrible car crash, fueled by the frenzied paparazzi who hounded her mercilessly throughout her public life.

She is still haunted by the adoring public which cannot get enough of her.

In the past week, Newsweek published a cover with a photoshopped image of her next to Princess Kate, the new wife of Prince William, Diana's elder son.

In life, Princess Di seemed to live a love-hate relationship with the press. She enjoyed the attention that reporters and commoners lavished upon her. She despised the intrusions of the press into her private life. Yet, she must have realized that she would be risking much of her privacy by marrying the heir apparent to the throne of the United Kingdom.

Despite her tragic fourteen years ago, why do people still get giddy about Princess Di? She was beautiful, no doubt. She represented the Cinderella hopes of many young women, for Di, a lady of minor nobility, ascended into the upper reaches of the Royal Family, wedded in a ceremony eagerly anticipated by the viewing world when media technologies were not nearly as advanced (or invasive) as they are now.

Princess Di represented the little guy (or girl, rather), who rose to great prominence, then rejected a cold and callous Royal Family in favor of a life of greater integrity. Often, the press presented her as a victim–even though she was cheating on Charles, too–and everyone loves to see a victim stand up for herself.

In one timely interview shortly after her divorce from Prince Charles, the journalist asked Di if she would miss being Queen of England. Her answer: "I would rather be the Queen of people's hearts."

And reign she has in people's hearts, to this day, where Diana Infatuation has reached an all-time high.

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