Los Angeles Supervisor is bending over backwards to protect illegal aliens.

She wants us to feel sorry for all the Millennial illegals who have lived in Los Angeles County for how many years, but what about the needs of American citizens?

Her district includes the Brentwood VA, which still does not serve the homeless and struggling veteran population in LA County.

How did it get this bad in the County of Angels?

How is it possible that elected officials, who have taken an oath of office to uphold and defend the United States Constitution, have brazenly sold out the taxpayers and want to protect the needs of criminal elements and unlawful residents in the county?

This is truly heartless. She cares more about illegals than the black communities decimated by illegal immigration.

She cares more about amnesty pandering and virtue-signaling than governing the best interests of the citizenry.

I fear for the future of Los Angeles County–and for the state of California.

Is this as good as it gets? Our representatives care more about illegal aliens than they do the legal residents.

This is all wrong–and we should not stand for it!

This week the President put the future of 800,000 DREAMers in his crosshairs, threatening their access to education, employment and the right to live in the country in which they've been raised. Nearly a quarter of a million of America's DACA youth live in California, and half of those live in Southern California.

DACA is not only a humane policy, it is a smart policy. It has not only improved the lives of undocumented young people and their families, it has also had a positive impact on the economy. Multiple studies from across the political spectrum have demonstrated that ending DACA would the cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars.

Still, it's primarily a matter of fairness and humanity. These young people have been here all their lives. They are, in every way, American kids. Now it falls to Congress to keep DACA in place until legislators can pass a DREAM Act or an immigration reform bill that ensures that these hardworking young people can continue to pursue their aspirations and contribute to America's future.

In the meantime, LA County and our Office of Immigration Affairs will continue to stand with these young people and use all the tools available to protect them from the deplorable actions of this administration. 

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