I enjoyed my two-hour visit to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

It didn't end as I would have liked it to, but at least citizens spoke out against all the hands-outs and special privileges to illegal aliens at the expense of taxpaying residents.

Nevertheless, Los Angeles County decided to sue the Trump Administration over the common-sense decision to allow the citizenship question into the 2020 census.

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to file or
join an amicus brief opposing the federal government’s addition of a
citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census.

This is just sad. They want to dilute the vote and count all the "non-voting" illegal aliens in the state of California. Ridiculous, yet not surprising, since it's all about gaining power at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

Supervisor Hilda Solis recommended the move, saying that hundreds of
millions of dollars in federal funding are at stake for the county.

“Los Angeles County stands to lose a lot,” Solis said. “Our county has
already been ranked as the hardest to count.”

Los Angeles County should lose every dollar, since they openly and repeatedly defy the rule of law. It's time for this nonsensical lawlessness to end.

An estimated 3 1/2 million immigrants live in the county and the
concern is that many will not fill out a census form that inquires about their
citizenship status out of fear of deportation, for themselves or loved ones.

"Immigrant" meaning legal or illegal residents? This linguistic double-talk is a shameful sham on so many levels. It just disgusts me. We need more people to speak out and demand that every elected official respect the legal status of all men and women who entered the United States legally.

You are not an immigrant if you broke into this country. You are an illegal alien.

Roughly $400 billion in federal funding for education, public health,
transportation and other critical functions are allocated on the basis of the
census data.

Congressional seats are also apportioned based on that data.

Supervisor Kathryn Barger said it shouldn’t be a political issue.

Barger has become more and more useless every day. I doubt that she will run for re-election in two years. What is she doing on the Board of Supervisors, if she refuses to take any kind of hard-line lead on principle?

“This is not about documented and undocumented. This is about getting
an accurate count,” Barger said.  She
said “this county is not sustainable” based on local funding alone.

Then the county needs to start trimming the fat, not demanding more money.

Here's the video I recorded of the meeting:


Immigration rights advocates and others agreed.

“This is about protecting a 200-year-old institution from being
politicized,” said Efrain Escobedo of the California Community Foundation,
noting that a citizenship question has not been included in the U.S. Census
since 1950.

Citizenship is now considering something that is "politicized"? Wow, this county is in serious trouble. Serious trouble. These immigrant rights activists do not care about immigrant rights at all, because they don't care about those who did everything right to enter the country.

They only care about bringing in more socialist/communist voters.

Supervisor Janice Hahn, who co-authored Solis’ motion, cited a “level
of fear and mistrust in our immigrant communities” that she said wasn’t
surprising given an atmosphere of “added aggression” from the current

“We have seen (Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents) come in and
round people up, people who have lived here for 35, 40 years,” Hahn said.

They are still criminals, Janice! They shouldn't be in the country to begin with, and it's the fault of the federal and state governments for allowing them to get away with it.

The United States is a great country because the country is based on good laws and good arms, and the country must retain a commitment to the rule of law at all costs. There is none when elected officials disdain law-abiding residents, including the men and women who entered this country through the front door–legally.

Here's the part that I wanted to focus on:

A man wearing a red “Make California Great Again” hat disagreed, called
the board’s action corrupt.

“The census is supposed to take note of the citizens in this country,
not those who came here illegally,” Arthur Schaper told the board. “We are not
a democracy, we are a republic in which the rights of all citizens are
protected, regardless of who is in power and regardless of public sentiment.”

I am really proud of those remarks. It's time that more people started speaking out against the abusive police powers imposed upon us.

The board’s vote was 4-0. Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas was absent from
the meeting.

Final Reflection

The LA County Board of Supervisors represents illegal aliens, not American citizens. This is wrong. It must be confronted. I am not sure what it takes to put an end to this rampant lawlessness. We need citizens in LA County to rise up and fight back against all this malevolence. How do we get people off the couch to fight for their rights to live, and to live in peace?

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