Here is the latest story on the activism of We the People Rising.
Published today by KPCC, following my interview with journalist Ann Gilbertson.
Annie Gilbertson
Check out the hateful title:

Anti-immigration activists' heckling, hostility taking a
toll on cities in LA's Latino suburbs
Annie Gilbertson February 26, 03:16 PM
Excuse me? The true hostility begins and ends with the corrupt city councils, which exploit their power and abuse the residents!
Second of all, residents in the city have been glad for our engagement and activism in the city. This headline is shameful!
Cudahy city council members say anti-illegal immigration
activists hostility forced the council to move the location of its meetings
from chambers to a "safer" space. GRINDALL61/ YOUTUBE

Self-described "anti-illegal immigration"
activists are expanding their protests of small city governments in South Los
Angeles that they believe are overly sympathetic to residents without legal

We are more than "Self-described." It's the truth. We are sympathetic to the plight of legal residents
The group, called "We the People Rising," recently
targeted Cudahy's Latino-dominated City Council after lawmakers declared Cudahy
a "sanctuary city" — meaning the city will not generally cooperate
with immigration authorities.

Why won't they? They have no right to decide whether they comply with federal law or not.
Huntington Park officials appointment of two local residents
without legal immigration status to city commissions drew the activists to city
meetings last fall.

Yes, and that was wrong, too.
"Sanctuary cities can attract gang members in our
country illegally — an issue that can promote lawlessness in our country,"
said Robin Hvidston, a Claremont resident who founded the organization in 2013
as a response to loosening local and national immigration enforcement.

Robin is spot-on on this issue. These pandering, enabling policies have made the illegal immigration problem worse in our country. Cities should be for citizens not for illegals.
Councilman Chris Garcia said group's hostility, including
heckling throughout city business, has taken a toll.
Wrong. They refuse to do the city's business. and continue spending money that the city does not  have on projects which no one wants to impress people who do not care.
"All because we are creating safe and inclusive
environment for people who are here undocumented – they don’t like that,"
Garcia said.

Excuse?! The city is NOT safe. They routinely shame, slam, and limit public commit. The crime and corruption has gotten worse.
The Council moved the location of its meetings from chambers
to a "safer" space — which prompted further protests from the
activists.  They filed a grievance
against the Council for violating open meeting laws after protestors were
interrupted during public comment. The L.A. District Attorney's Office sent a
warning letter to the Council, saying the group must be allowed to protest. The
letter did not threaten any penalties.

Not once were they ever in danger. I even confronted the absentee mayor Cristian Markovich at th Ellen Ochoa Learning Center. One of their supporters assaulted a young female.
In response to the letter, Cudahy City Attorney Rick
Olivarez said the Council encourages public comment.

This is the biggest laugh of them all. They are actually limiting public comment to one period, when in the past residents and  members of the audience could comment at three separate periods.
"They just try to make us look bad," said Cudahy
City Councilman Baru Sanchez.

Baru, you do not need any help looking bad. Your corruption and mismanagement have drawn the negative publicitly. You look bad without anyone else's help!
Council members said they don't agree with the protestors'
statements, but there's not a lot they can do to prevent them.

They have no business trying to prevent us from speaking, or anyone else for that matter!

"We have our First Amendment laws," Garcia said.

The First Amendment is more than a law, Chris! It's the first of the Bill of Rights, natural laws which every human being is born with. There is nothing that you can do stop every legal resident from speaking out against the crime, corruption, and bankrupt lawlessness in  your city!
Final Reflection:

KPCC journalist Ann Gilbertson called me two days ago, as I was headed to the Ellen Ochoa Learning Center to protest Ref Rodriguez and Mayor Cristian Markovich for putting illegals ahead of legal residents.
She contacted  me after talking to Robin Hvidston, who explained very clearly that our activism focuses on the rule of law and ending the anarchy of this illegal immigration lawlessness in California and throughout the country.
I explained to her up-front that We the People Rising are not anti-immigrant, but anti-illegal immigration.
So did Robin.
And yet the article lists us as anti-immigrant.
Let's set the record straight. Cudahy and Huntington Park are anti-immigrant, because they are proomoting illegal immigration at the expense of the legal residents, whether born or naturalized.
The headline and its slant is one more example of the illiberal journalistic malpractice diminishing our public discourse.
I called Gilbertson shortly after the article was published. She explained to me that she told the editor about our stance on immigration.
And yet … there's the headline: "Anti-immigrant""
Ann Gilberston should be held accountable, along with her editor Rina Palta.
And speaking of Gilberston.
Here is her reporting on the police shooting in Los Angeles County. She claimed that in tense situations, the police officer often reaches for the gun. Really?
I have spoken with police officers, and they have told me that you cannot tell if it's a life or death situation. I am not intending to defend every police officer. If they are using excessive force, that police officer needs to be held accountable.
Here is a link from her Facebook page where she is praising a liberal activist from Scripps College.
Read her comment about her interview with feminist-activist Angela Davis:

A privilege to interview activist and feminist theorist Angela Davis. To Scripps students amid emotional campus protests, she said “Remember when you’re facing the most powerful forces in the world and no one expects you to win, people come together across political, racial and national boundaries."

She clearly leans left.

And she left out so much of the truth from what is going on in Huntington Park and Cudahy.

Call Annie Gilbertson, and demand a retraction of 

this slanted story!

(714) 651-0655
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