PUBLIC SAFETY ALERT! – TONIGHT Sanctuary State SB 54 Support / Oppose on Agenda | We need you to show up, stand & be counted! 5pm
If you Stand With Andrew Kotyuk against SB 54 and Jerry Brown's Sanctuary State
reply here and your position will be sent to the members of the Yucaipa City Council.


Make California Golden Again!

Join the Facebook Group – NO SANCTUARY Inland Empire | Here for ongoing updates and results on these City Council meetings as they go on throughout the Inland Empire (Both Riverside & San Bernardino Counties)


SB 54 will be one of the first items after the City Council's Consent Agenda item.  Show up early, the radical open borders liberal left will.  We will have signs and will settle for nothing less than out right opposition to this Public Safety, Unconstitutional menace.

It is a Public Safety issue caused by illegal immigration, NOT an illegal immigration issue.  SB 54 and Sanctuary type policies are designed to protect convicted criminals and expand the voting base of the left.

Jerry Brown and the Super Majority of Democrats specifically voted to reduce several violent felonies to misdemeanors,  He then reduced sentencing to 364 days to avoid remanding criminal alien prisoners to ICE custody.  Instead of deporting the most evil and violent criminal illegal aliens, they are given a free pass to stay and threaten our communities.  Including other's here illegally that have fled this criminal element and are equally preyed upon.  Again, this is a PUBLIC SAFETY issue.  The City Council may try to say that their police do work with ICE, or that its not in their jurisdiction, that it should be taken up with the State or the Federal Government.

It is all lies or misdirection intended to seek a political lifeline and avoid taking a position on the importance of the safety of our communities and opposing these reckless, radical policies.

Please be there to take a stand.  If not you, then who?  If not now, then when?  This is our time, the more these matters go unchallenged, the worse it will get.  It is time to push back.

Click here to see the full City Council Agenda




That City Council:

1. Receive and file a status update on the SB 54 legislation, and provide direction to staff as appropriate.

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