According to the latest news reports, the caravan of immigrants marching through Mexico have no plans to stop.
And they’re heading straight for the U.S. border.
Fortunately, President Donald Trump is sending troops to guard the border.
But the President shouldn’t have to send troops down to guard our border.
The American people elected Republicans to build the wall and put an end to the illegal immigration crisis facing our nation.
But Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and the Washington establishment refuse to heed to the will of voters and secure our border.
Enough is enough.
That’s why I’m counting on your support for my campaign for U.S. Senate in Arizona.


Arthur, my establishment-backed opponent, Martha McSally, likes to joke about building a wall between Arizona and California . . .
. . . while REFUSING to fund Trump’s border wall.
Of course, it’s not just McSally’s opposition to Trump’s border wall that the establishment is desperate to hide from voters.
The truth is, there’s nothing conservative at all about Martha McSally or her voting record.
In fact, she’s worse than Jeff Flake on the critical issues that matter most to conservatives.
Critical issues like illegal immigration and securing our borders.
Critical issues like balancing the budget and cutting back government spending.
Critical issues like individual liberty, free markets and constitutional government.
And when it comes to our family values, Martha McSally’s record might even be worse.
Conservative Review gave her an “F” rating for family values.
With Arizona in the national spotlight, voters are waking up to the fact that Martha McSally is nothing more than a "campaign conservative" who votes with McConnell and the elites in Washington.


But McConnell and his cronies are pouring millions of dollars into Arizona to try hide Martha McSally’s liberal record from conservative voters.
They’re attacking me viciously in the press, on TV and on the radio.
I need your help to sound the alarm and get the truth out to voters far and wide.
So please, chip in a donation of $500, $250, $150, $100, $75, $50, $35 or $25 to my campaign to help me fight back against McConnell and his thugs.


Of course, if that’s too much, please consider chipping in $5, $10 or $15 to let me know you’ve got my back in this all-out war against the establishment.
Every dollar you donate helps and will go directly toward our program to get the truth out to voters about Martha McSally.
So Arthur, please stand with me today by chipping in a generous donation to my campaign to help me get to Washington and fight for Trump’s America First Immigration policies.
Thank you in advance for standing with me.
I appreciate your support.

Together for victory,
Dr. Kelli Ward
Conservative Candidate for U.S. Senate

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