The California Republican Party is struggling for any kind of relevance.

We have grassroots leaders and activists like Carl DeMaio, Travis Allen, Joseph Turner, Robin Hvidston, among many others who want to make California Great Again for all California residents–citizens, men and women who live in this great country LEGALLY.

We want to see the political class go down and we want the public class of law-abiding citizens to see their power and prosperity restored in our great state.

Of course, the GOP Establishment seems more keen on losing gracefully, if such a thing is still possible.

Other friends and co-warriors in the movement call this perverse desire to lose "Controlled Failure."

California Republican establishment types are A-OK with losing, so they hitch their wagons to their least objectionable Democrat, as if that is going to make them have any power or influence at the table. What a sad commentary on what has happened to the once pre-eminent and influential California GOP.

Other blue states are seeing a kind of Red Renaissance. Even in Colorado, there are more Republican Congressmen and at least one US Senator. The state no longer has a Democratic trifecta, and for all intents and purposes it looks as though a Republican will retake the Governor's mansion after 8 years of Hickenlooper failure.

Even in Maine, there is a Republican Congressman in the northern part of the state for the first time in 20 years, and one Electoral Vote went to a Republican candidate, the first time any Republican electoral cast a ballot in nearly 30 years.

But California continues to witness GOP Decline.

This latest eblast will show why:

Dear Delegate,

As former Republican state legislative leaders, we've each been responsible for electing Republicans. We know what it takes to win, and what's at stake.

We're writing to strongly recommend that Republican delegates reject the current efforts to repeal Proposition 14. Repealing Proposition 14 right now would rescue California Democrats from their brutal and costly infighting, and would almost certainly unleash a potentially devastating tsunami of money against our Republican candidates, a tsunami that might put us in super minority status indefinitely.

Just look at the facts. As reported by Cal Watchdog, over the past three election cycles, Democrats have spent a staggering $197 million on intraparty battles under Proposition 14. The Democratic infighting under Proposition 14 has become so vicious that Politico recently wrote that California's Democratic Party has plunged into "civil war," and the Chair of the Democratic Party recently warned that Proposition 14 is the "gravest danger" facing the Democratic Party.

When your opponents are attacking each other, the best strategy is to get out of the way.

It's difficult enough to win legislative seats when Democrats are currently outraising Republicans 3 to 1. You don't have to fully support the top two primary to realize that now is no time to repeal Proposition 14 and give the Democrats a $197 million dollar gift – enough to spend $3 million targeting every single Republican legislator in the State Senate or State Assembly.

Our California Republican Party faces challenges, and the comeback won't happen overnight. But needed reforms are taking hold and the party is headed in the right direction in the long term. Whether you support Proposition 14 or not, we should all agree that it's a positive development that the Democrats are spending $197 million against their own candidates instead of against ours.

Let's focus on rebuilding our party – not theirs. We urge you to join us in rejecting current efforts to repeal Proposition 14.

Martin Garrick
Assembly Republican Leader
Sam Blakeslee
Assembly Republican Leader
Bob Huff
Senate Republican Leader
Robert Naylor
Assembly Republican Leader 1982-1984
CRP Chairman 1987-1989
George Plescia
Assembly Republican Leader 2006
This is leadership?

"Let's just give up. let's just watch Democrats tear each other up. The Democratic Party is in a state of civil war, and they are spending their money away like crazy!"

What this calculus fails to take into account is that the Democratic cronies have plenty of money. They will just spend more. They also don't realize that many of these races have no Republicans at all in key races. An unprecedented spent of contests in Los Angeles Count had no Republican on the ballot.

By the way, why are Democrats in a civil war? It has nothing to do with the Top Two. It has everything to do with the disgust among Democratic grassroots operatives and the Democratic establishment, even though both sides of the party have no principles since they have been pushing for the rapid expansion of the government into our daily lives and refuse to honor their oaths of office.
This Top Two insanity is bad on so many levels, but these creepy people are lining up with this loss and doubling down?!

Statewide races do not have a Republican running, either–and donors are less likely than ever to donate because there is no guarantee whatsoever that a Republican will make it to the general statewide election!

These liberals don't seem to understand that the Prop 14 mumbo-jumbo has deprived all political parties of power.

The jungle primary has also removed choice for third parties, and those third -parties had enough influence to pull votes away from liberal candidates and help Republicans get elected/

The Top Two primary has made it even harder for moderate candidates to show some influence. Republicans are getting pushed out entirely. ENTIRELY.

This is not leadership, and this is not vision. This is folly, pure and simple.

I support the Stop Prop 14 initiative. I want to do everything that I can to send this jungle primary abuse. We need to re-enfranchise every voter and give them real choices!

I have some questions:

1. Who got my contact information to send me this eblast?

2. Who is paying for this mass email campaign?

3. Why is former Republican leadership falling into line with this weak-kneed nonsense?

4. When will get rid of Top Two?
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