Judy Mitchell

Judy Mitchell of Rolling Hills is up for reelection this year.

Whether the residents of her community know or not, she is a vocal advocate for the Big Green agenda.

What is disturbing as well as remarkable about this development is that the communities on the Palos Verdes Peninsula were founded on a libertarian basis, a small government, live-and-let-live spirit animated the original founders of the hillside communities, where now some of the most expensive as well as beautiful real estate can be found.

The Daily Breeze reported on her 2013 appointment to the largely ceremonial mayoral post in her city:

Judy Mitchell has become mayor of Rolling Hills Estates for a third time since she was first elected to the City Council in 1999.

In addition to her post in the City of Rolling Hills Estates, Mitchell also sits on the following boards:

California Environmental Protection Agency: Air Resources Board

South Coast Air Quality Management District

Why are there so many unelected and unaccountable environmental boards, and why is Mitchell sitting on these boards?

How do these roles conflict with the best interests of her city as well as the South Bay region?

Unaccountable officials on these boards are implementing Cap and Trade, or Cap and Tax.

This agenda runs against individual liberty, local control, and even state and national sovereignty.

Middle income earners are getting squeezed in the state of California, and the Big Green agenda is the core reason why.

Residents of PV Peninsula and throughout the South Bay should be paying close attention to the November, 2015 election, and start asking Ms. Mitchell some hard questions.

Furthermore, they should question whether she belongs in office representing a region of the state where residents are dedicated to limited government, local control, and individual liberty.

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