Ohio Governor John Kasich achieved some remarkable
accomplishments as a Republican in a swing state. Unfortunately, much of what
he is running on today undermines any good he did. A Republican’s Republican
two decades ago, Kasich the Congressman and Presidential candidate was the
fiscal watchdog outsider that never caught the national spirit in 2000. John
McCain would soar on his real maverick roots, squeaking past George W. Bush, but
felt the Rove crush in South Carolina. Like McCain, Kasich would have
maintained a better following – and been a better President – if elected in
2000. That was not to be, and he is not to be this time around, either.
accomplishments as a Republican in a swing state. Unfortunately, much of what
he is running on today undermines any good he did. A Republican’s Republican
two decades ago, Kasich the Congressman and Presidential candidate was the
fiscal watchdog outsider that never caught the national spirit in 2000. John
McCain would soar on his real maverick roots, squeaking past George W. Bush, but
felt the Rove crush in South Carolina. Like McCain, Kasich would have
maintained a better following – and been a better President – if elected in
2000. That was not to be, and he is not to be this time around, either.
His second shot at the national limelight began in 2010,
elected Ohio’s Governor during the Tea Party Great Awakening. He set to work
balancing the state’s budget, cutting the spending and trimming the uwelcome
leaven. He tried to out-Walker Scott Walker, and pushed for collective bargaining
reforms including police officers and fire-fighters.
elected Ohio’s Governor during the Tea Party Great Awakening. He set to work
balancing the state’s budget, cutting the spending and trimming the uwelcome
leaven. He tried to out-Walker Scott Walker, and pushed for collective bargaining
reforms including police officers and fire-fighters.
Sadly, he lost that fight. Timing is everything in politics,
including necessary political reforms. Kasich’s decision to follow Walker’s Act
10 with his heavier spin ended a major effort which could have succeeded with
better coordination, much like his first Presidential run in 1999. What would
anyone expect trying to pick the same fight, with the international union
hordes just a few states away? Walker caught the unions off guard, but they geared
up quickly to squelch Kasich’s agenda.
including necessary political reforms. Kasich’s decision to follow Walker’s Act
10 with his heavier spin ended a major effort which could have succeeded with
better coordination, much like his first Presidential run in 1999. What would
anyone expect trying to pick the same fight, with the international union
hordes just a few states away? Walker caught the unions off guard, but they geared
up quickly to squelch Kasich’s agenda.
Despite Kasich’s reelection by massive double-digits in 2014,
conservatives confront Kasich on his heretical, illiberal policy decisions,
specifically his Obamacare embrace, and take the “fool’s bet” Medicaid
expansion. For the Ohio Governor, who has played the moderate card all too
often, he still preaches the need for fiscal discipline, but his lumpy
liberalism is showing forth, and should have knocked him out of consideration for
the Election 2016 GOP nomination from the outset.
conservatives confront Kasich on his heretical, illiberal policy decisions,
specifically his Obamacare embrace, and take the “fool’s bet” Medicaid
expansion. For the Ohio Governor, who has played the moderate card all too
often, he still preaches the need for fiscal discipline, but his lumpy
liberalism is showing forth, and should have knocked him out of consideration for
the Election 2016 GOP nomination from the outset.
Taking on the Affordable Care Act, Kasich contends that the
loaves and the fishes for a good life can come from the government. The he argues
that Common Core will improve education. Earlier this year, Texas
Governor Greg Abbot excoriated Common Core, and proved that he was more
educated about the topic, and would have schooled Kasich in the process.
loaves and the fishes for a good life can come from the government. The he argues
that Common Core will improve education. Earlier this year, Texas
Governor Greg Abbot excoriated Common Core, and proved that he was more
educated about the topic, and would have schooled Kasich in the process.
Beyond that, Kasich celebrates amnesty and celebrates a
guest worker program, citing the argument that “we” should do the most for the
least among us. Did Kasich not get that joke from the Gipper? “The nine most
dangerous words in the English language: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here
to help.” Help and charity are all well and good, but the Lord loves a cheerful
(not a tearful) giver. The government has nothing to give, but merely takes
from one and gives to another.
guest worker program, citing the argument that “we” should do the most for the
least among us. Did Kasich not get that joke from the Gipper? “The nine most
dangerous words in the English language: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here
to help.” Help and charity are all well and good, but the Lord loves a cheerful
(not a tearful) giver. The government has nothing to give, but merely takes
from one and gives to another.
Nevertheless, the Buckeye Governor bucks conservative
trends, and justifies his wholesale sellout to the Deity of Big Government with
frequent references to God. “God has a plan for you! God bless you!” Kasich
frequently intones during TV interviews. Right, a lot like “If you like your
plan, you can keep it.” Tell that to the millions who have lost their insurance
plans in this country. Kasich’s idolatry will lead to “If you like your liberty
and security, you can keep them, too!” Ask the tens of millions who have been
slaughtered by totalitarian governments throughout the world. The state with a
sprinkled veneer of “Holy this and that” does not make it holy, no more than
sitting in the White House makes one President (consider Barack Obama).
trends, and justifies his wholesale sellout to the Deity of Big Government with
frequent references to God. “God has a plan for you! God bless you!” Kasich
frequently intones during TV interviews. Right, a lot like “If you like your
plan, you can keep it.” Tell that to the millions who have lost their insurance
plans in this country. Kasich’s idolatry will lead to “If you like your liberty
and security, you can keep them, too!” Ask the tens of millions who have been
slaughtered by totalitarian governments throughout the world. The state with a
sprinkled veneer of “Holy this and that” does not make it holy, no more than
sitting in the White House makes one President (consider Barack Obama).
Even worse, Kasich played the “Hail Mary!” card to justify
the Big Government “Hale-Bob” Kool-aid during
the August 6th Fox News debate, too:
the Big Government “Hale-Bob” Kool-aid during
the August 6th Fox News debate, too:
"Now, when you
die and get to the meeting with St. Peter, he’s probably not going to ask you
much about what you did about keeping government small," Kasich said.
"But he is going to ask you what you did for the poor. You better have a
good answer.’
die and get to the meeting with St. Peter, he’s probably not going to ask you
much about what you did about keeping government small," Kasich said.
"But he is going to ask you what you did for the poor. You better have a
good answer.’
![]() |
John Kasich (Truth Revolt) |
Never mind the theological fraud of this argument. Jesus
provided a better answer during His earthly ministry:
provided a better answer during His earthly ministry:
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. And Render unto God
what is God’s.”
what is God’s.”
In case you missed the subtext, it all belongs to Him, so
stop trying to take it from others!
stop trying to take it from others!
In the meantime, wouldn’t it be nice for politicians to stop
robbing Peter to pay Paul? Government justifies taking from makers and making
more takers. Would Kasich like to say “Thank you” to all the federal taxpayers
who are subsidizing his now over-budget Medicaid expansion?
robbing Peter to pay Paul? Government justifies taking from makers and making
more takers. Would Kasich like to say “Thank you” to all the federal taxpayers
who are subsidizing his now over-budget Medicaid expansion?
The fact that Kasich misuses the Bible to sanctify more
government in our lives is particularly reprehensible. I don’t fear the devil
whose horns I see, but the devil wearing Prada preaching Pravda, and Kasich
fits that description all too well. Like a third-tier cable televangelist, a
false prophet looking for easy profits with “Just send me $10, and we will pray
your way to prosperity, Kasich wants to sell “compassionate conservatism”
without the conservatism. The Bible does teach that God’s heartbeat is for us
to “proper and be in health, even as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). Soul prosperity
matters more, and depends on walking in truth. Kasich’ Big Government social
gospel has no truth.
government in our lives is particularly reprehensible. I don’t fear the devil
whose horns I see, but the devil wearing Prada preaching Pravda, and Kasich
fits that description all too well. Like a third-tier cable televangelist, a
false prophet looking for easy profits with “Just send me $10, and we will pray
your way to prosperity, Kasich wants to sell “compassionate conservatism”
without the conservatism. The Bible does teach that God’s heartbeat is for us
to “proper and be in health, even as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). Soul prosperity
matters more, and depends on walking in truth. Kasich’ Big Government social
gospel has no truth.
To add insult to un-Biblical misery, Kasich even defended
attending a “gay wedding”:
attending a “gay wedding”:
I’m an old-fashioned
person here and I happen to believe in traditional marriage. But I’ve also said
the court has ruled. … and I said we will accept it. And guess what, I just
went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay.
person here and I happen to believe in traditional marriage. But I’ve also said
the court has ruled. … and I said we will accept it. And guess what, I just
went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay.
Kasich neglected another part of the Gospels: Male and
female he created them.
female he created them.
Ordained minister Mike Huckabee gave the godly answer to
this issue: “The Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being”. Neither is the government, whether pretending
to provide healthcare, legal status, or education contrary to truth. Only a
religious con would suggest otherwise, and John Kasich, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing,
fits that unholy bill to a T.
this issue: “The Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being”. Neither is the government, whether pretending
to provide healthcare, legal status, or education contrary to truth. Only a
religious con would suggest otherwise, and John Kasich, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing,
fits that unholy bill to a T.