
It just gets worse for John Cox. This guy had opposed the wall, and now he's fully in support for the wall.

Did Cox really think he was going to get away with standing on two different sides of the wall?


President Trump is in California today surveying the border with Mexico and reviewing prototypes for his proposed wall.

Immigration always has been and always will be vital to the growth and strength of our nation, and I too believe that everyone who wants to come here must come through the front door — legally.

A wall protecting our border will help ensure that more immigrants to our nation go through the proper process, and I support it 100%.

But, where does my opponent John Cox stand when it comes to the border wall? Who knows?!

First, he tells Spanish language news media he opposes a border wall:

"He also disagrees with the construction of a border wall . . ."

– Univision, January 13, 2018

Then, a few days later, he says something else:

We've seen this kind of flip-flopping before, and we won't fall for it.

Californians deserve a Governor who knows what they believe and sticks to that belief — no matter who they are talking to.

I oppose the sanctuary state and I support enforcing our laws and protecting our borders and our citizens. And you will never hear me say otherwise.

If you agree with me, will you help me ensure that we have a Republican nominee who will stand up for conservative principles by contributing $25, $50, $100, $500 or whatever you can today?


Travis Allen

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