Tucker Carlson has been taking on brazen yet ill-informed liberals for the past three months.

He is great!

His incisive uestioning is beyond incredible!

He simply challenges the ideas and arguments with basic questions.

His guests have to think and respond in some way or they spend the whole segment bouncing around and refuse to answer the question.

One of his most recent guests, Assembly Jimmy Gomez of East Los Angeles, has written a bill which would reuire students to learn what is "Fake News."

This bill is petty propaganda, of course.

But Carlson also asks why Gomez wants to attack this issue, when the vast majority of LAUSD students can't even read and write!

SOmething that was not mentioned in this interview …

Gomez is running for Congress to replace Xavier Becerra, who is the Attorney General designate for California.

What a mess!

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