“I listened to my constituents, and they overwhelmingly asked me to oppose this deal,” Hahn said. “Three weeks ago, the people of my district sent me to Washington to protect Social Security and Medicare and get to work investing in our future and creating jobs. The American people wanted a balanced approach. This is not it. I cannot support a bill that asks nothing of millionaires and billionaires while asking hardworking Americans already struggling to sacrifice even more.”

Which constituents did she listen to exactly? I do not recall getting a call from Ms. Hahn. . did any of you? Last time I checked, she was elected on a 55% majority, after barely edging by the second-place contender in the May run-off. And of those 55%, some most likely voted "D" in knee-jerk fashion, others trembled at the empty moniker of "Tea Party Extremism", or were so caught in the so-called assault on a woman's right to choose. The rest, for the most part, still believe that growing government involvement in our economy is the way to recovery.

She indirectly answers any protest against her discerning the will of the CA-36th:

"Three weeks ago, the people of my district sent me to Washington to protect Social Security and Medicare and get to work investing in our future and creating jobs."

Protect Social Security and Medicare? If Washington keeps running the way it has, on fumes and beyond capacity, there will be no Social Security or Medicare. This Government must cut spending drastically just to continuing payments on those bloated Ponzi schemes.

Regarding the misguided apprehension about The Tea Party Movement, let us recall from out U.S. History classes that fired-up American colonists took on Big Government Mother England to protest taxation without representation. Today, we hear the same Tea Party sentiment today throughout the nation, people who are tired of not finding work because businesses cannot navigate the byzantine regulations pressed upon them; people who are tired of being taxed to pay for someone else's health care and retirement.

Last of all, who in their right (or left) mind still believes that raising taxes on the wealth will generate more revenue? Wealthy people will simply put more of their money in wealth tax shelters and trusts, or hire other wealth-conscious people to secure their wealth from the prying hands of the state. With all of this capital getting locked up, where will the new businesses come from? Who will invest in novel innovation and recovery? The Government?

Despite the flagrant contradictions in her rationale (or rationalization) for not voting for raising the debt ceiling, Hahn has managed to fulfill one promise. She has created jobs for herself and attending office staff, along with opening up a Council seat in Los Angeles–a duty which she should have had the integrity to complete, just like her father who completed a lengthy term as LA County Supervisor.

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