Having failed to win by a landslide the special election to replace Jane Harman as Representative for the 36th Congressional District, Janice Hahn has paid an unprecedented visit to the Paseo del Mar landslide, which does not reside within her current Congressional District. Claiming to be on a fact-finding mission with Army Corps of Engineers, the Congressman's flair for stating the obvious was in top form, coupled with her unconditional insistence on not making any bold promises or declarations.
Stepping on the turf that belongs to Congressman Dana Rohrabacher's jurisdiction, Hahn made the following obvious remarks:
"It's all going to be about resources in the end."
Since when has federal investment in roads not be about resources?
"I feel that this is going to have a price tag on it whether we rebuild, reroute or close the road."
No kidding! Congresswoman Hahn's singular capacity to say something, yet evince the obvious while failing to mention anything compelling, has been her signature achievement ever since entering public office. Refusing to take explicit stances on anything, Hahn would hem and haw before hazarding her need for more time to consider options if someone demanded a strict answer to "2 + 2" .
Her personal tour of the Paseo del Mar landslide is a blatant move to shore up support from future constituents in the newly crafted 44th Congressional District, which winds it way up from the San Pedro Penninsula to South Gate. Although facing a weak challenge from Congressional colleague Laura Richardson, Hahn is not letting any crisis go to waste making rounds, feigning interest, expressing unremarkable concern, then moving on to bolster her reelection campaign.
Other notable comments which the Daily Breeze reported from the Congresswoman include:
"We're doing all the things right now to lay the groundwork."
"If the study comes out saying we can engage the (help of the) Corps, I wanted Col. Toy to be ready."
Ready to do what, Congresswoman? Your generalities have failed to inspire trust or respect in your current constituents, none of whom you happened to be representing on your visit to Paseo del Mar.
The Daily Breeze later reports:
"Once the city's report is finalized, Hahn said. "we'll just have to work through" the process.
From the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to the economic stagnation that still shackles the Harbor Area, Congresswoman Janice Hahn never fails to ignore a "process" for evaluating the solution to anything. Does this politician ever demonstrate any initiative? Instead of process, legislators need to command a sense of purpose, a connection to accomplishing a necessary task by pulling together community leaders and federal staff.
"This is so important to this whole region," Hahn said. "This really was a disaster on so many levels."
Hahn's blatant awareness of the apparent is rivaled only by her blatant pandering for votes, parading her power in a territory which currently lies outside of her congressional district.
Instead of hyping Watefront renovations and San Pedro landslides, Congresswoman Hahn ought to demonstrate some integrity to her present responsibilities in the 36th Congressional District. Instead of pointing out the obvious with a cadre of Army staff pumping her patriotic connections, Hahn ought to press for the repeal of ObamaCare, massive deregulation with trading partners across the Pacific and in North America, a concerted plan to limit government and lower taxes, and return currently overlooked rights to the states and the people.
From Playa del Rey to Torrance, CA, the beach cities to South Los Angeles, the voters of the 36th Congressional district are still waiting for a representative who fulfills her responsibilities to the voters, instead of perpetual preparation for her own reelection.