Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant figured it out. Former
Governor Haley Barbour resisted, then went along with Phil. Chuck Norris and Carly
Fiorina came to the party, too. Idaho, Kansas and Maine were already getting
down and having a good time.

Election 2016 is the year of the Grassroots. And the
highlight? It’s Donald Trump v. Ted Cruz.
More people are waking up. It’s time to choose Ted Cruz.
Please, before you start shouting “Establishment” at me,
consider the front-runner whom many people are falling for.
Donald Trump has stood on every side of every issue. He was
pro-abortion until two years ago.
He hired illegals to work on construction projects in the
early 1990s. He admitted then that he did not know. He still has illegals
working in his corporate empire. “It’s all legal”, he answers. So, on Day One,
will he repeal the DACA and DAPA executive frauds? He wants to build a big,
beautiful wall along the Southern Border, and yet he recently panders and
dithers, giving the impression that he favors touch-back amnesty: send them
out, then let them come back. He wants to repeal Obamacare, then declares that
he likes the individual mandate.
Is anyone really listening to this guy? He says just about
anything he wants to, and then doubles back on it, as if words really don’t
mean anything.  I guess he thinks he can
tell the Ayatollah “You’re Fired!”, and that will make the whole Middle Eastern
mess go away? Not quite. Remember, Trump pledges to be passionately … neutral
on Israel. What a schmuck. 
A crass media-hog who says whatever he wants to, and resorts
to name-calling: Trump is not Presidential material. He is not just anti-PC, he
is anti-morality.
Yet the conservative consensus has struggled to contain this
guy. Why? People are angry, and anyone with a hint of Washington attached to
him gets tagged DOA. I have a real problem with that. Voters should not only
plead for experience alone, but also for a consistent, conservative, and
connected legacy.
Ted Cruz has all of that.
Ted Cruz not only called Mitch McConnell a liar to his face,
but repeatedly drove former Majority Leader Harry Reid up the wall. Cruz quoted
the liberal Nevada Democrat’s own words against him. He sparred and beat down
other not-so leading liberal lights in the upper chamber too.
Cruz voted for TPA? He regretted it and voted against the
final deal. Don’t like his prior stance on H-1B visas? He apologized and
changed his mind. Donald Trump doesn’t think he has to ask GOD for forgiveness.
We already have such arrogance in the White House. His wife works for Goldman
Sachs? And your point? Cruz has voted against Big Business, Big Banks, and Big
Bureaucrats every time in the US Senate. Who cares where his wife works?!
But the Establishment is not going down without a fight.
Whether they like it or not, the Old Guard of power first, and principles
later—much later: they are giving way to a new conservative order.
Former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has warned the
masses to reject Trump. This from the same guy who declared to the Miami donors:
“47% of this country is poor, entitled 
people who will never vote for me.”
It's Time to Choose Ted Cruz!
Go away, Mittens. Leave the fight to someone who can swing
and hit the target.
Cruz stood up to Ethanol. He is the only one preaching for
individual liberty. The Establishment is stuck between Cruz and Trump, and they
are bowing to Cruz. Even social moderates are now supporting him, whether they
like it or not. Cruz has fought for the toughest issues of our times, and I
trust that he will continue the fight when elected President of the United
To all my fellow conservatives/Trump supporters, I quote
Oliver Cromwell: “I Beseech You, Think it Possible You May Be Mistaken!” You’re
angry? Take a deep breath, count to ten. Vote for someone who manipulates the
media, but not your emotions. Vote for the man who respects you, me, and this
It’s time to choose Ted Cruz.
The Washington Cartel hates Cruz, yet Trump slammed him
because Rubio scored all the endorsements from his fellow Senators. And? House
conservatives have endorsed Cruz, including Tea Party favorite Raul Labrador of
Idaho. When they passed a bill to defund Obamacare, Cruz rallied to their
support. The House conference is merely recognizing his loyalty.
Besides, most of Rubio’s supporters—Santorum, Tim Scott, and
US Senator Jim Risch of Idaho—cannot give one good reason why they chose Rubio.
They fear Trump as Big Drag on the national ticket. The New York Values
Republican is drawing out an unprecedented voter pool, and not just from former
Democrats who switch over. I am not worried about the Trump anchor. Madam
Hillary is a downer for Democrats, since she represents everything that Middle
America hates: lying politicians who benefit themselves and their
politically-connected donors at the expense of the rest of us. As for Weekend
at Bernie Sanders, his zealous socialist rhetoric is a joke with the worst
punch-line: government supremacy and interminable poverty for all.
After five months of watching the Donald torch every
establishment-tapped contender, now it’s time to burn him away. So glad that
Jeb is gone, along with every other flaky Republican more interested in cashing
out big donors rather than representing the little guy. And Kasich? Another push-over,
pro-Obamacare hack who boasts about light-weight endorsements from another
wannabe outsider, Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a California conservative who voted
for Tom McClintock in 2003, I can assure you: a loud-mouth populist will not
only disappoint, but set back our cause for years.
Donald Trump was the Grassroots’ revenge against cronyism
and broken promises. Like a Deus Ex Machina of divine intervention, Trump is wreaking
havoc in the old established order. Now we need to vote for the real thing, a
constitutional conservative champion who is already making America great again.
It’s time to choose Ted Cruz.
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