The Hawaiian Islands Republican Assembly is so inspiring.

They have routinely exposed the corruption, malfeasance, and incompetence of the current leadership of the Hawaii Republican Party under the leadership of Miriam Hellreich, Fritz Rohfling, and Gene Ward.

They have never shied away from slamming the corrupt and useless Democratic Party of Hawaii, which has overwhelmed the Aloha State with spending, tax hikes, moral malaise, and rampant poverty.

Veterans are routinely mistreated, as well, and the Republicans who get elected often go along with the same destructive Democratic agenda of tax hikes, anti-family values, and anti-security political correctness.

Need I remind the readers that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, and the federal judge of Hawaii struck down the latest travel ban executive order issued by our President?

Enough said.

In spite of the deleterious political situation in Hawaii, the Hawaiian Islands Republican Assembly (HIRA) is rising up–and they fight back! Conservatives throughout the country, especially in blue states like California and Nevada, can learn a great deal from HIRA.

In their previous eblast, HIRA announced an attempted, illegal coup by the Hawaii GOP Chairman Fritz Rohfling to invalidate the Honolulu County GOP electons, in which HIRA conservatives swept all offices. HIRA and their team of dedicated conservatives did not take such a brazenly illegal maneuver silently.

Check out their epic victory here:

RINO's Go Down In Flames at Hawaii GOP
Headquarters Today
Aloha Republicans:
Stand up and cheer.  The draining of
the swamp at the Hawaii GOP has begun again.  The six county party
who were fired Wednesday by a corrupt, inept and failed state
party chairman Fritz Rohlfing (plus five more district level officers
who were indirectly fired
) have all been restored to their posts.

Stay tuned for our comprehensive, exclusive insider report from
HIRA this weekend about today's MINDBLOWING happenings at the
Hawaii GOP headquarters.  You will really want to sit down for that 'full
report' newsletter.  It will be a wild ride.
For now, here's a quick rundown
. . .
You should have seen the look on demented Rohlfing's
ever-reddening face
as he kept losing vote after vote after vote.
 It looked a lot like this. —>  How can this crooked mental
midget live with himself knowing he is such a complete loser and filthy
scumbag?  [He must have sold his barely-used conscience on eBay to the
lowest bidder years ago along with his political skills and sportsmanship.]
In anticipation of what he and his scum-sucking friends hopes
would be a successful coup, RINO Rohlfing and his RINO towelboy Jack
"Mehoff" James
had already sanitized the Hawaii GOP's Facebook
to eliminate any record of the election of the six fired county
officers at the county convention three weeks ago. That's how petty these
RINO's can be.
But Fritzy Boy and his RINO co-conspirators did NOT get
away with their plot to consolidate power under Rohlfing's other
RINO towelboy and fluffer, Boyd Not-So-Ready. As you'll see in our full
report this weekend, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY Boyd Ready can remain as an
officer of the Honolulu County Republican Party. When you learn about the
last-minute, disgusting and completely fraudulent tactics Ready
deliberately employed in furtherance of the Rohlfing-Tupola-Ward conspiracy to
consolidate RINO power at the Hawaii GOP — and we mean reprehensible
and unforgivable
— you'll easily agree with us that the only
sound we should hear
is the door whacking Ready on the okole as he leaves
the GOP for a lengthy sabbatical of spiritual renewal (and to have his head
surgically removed from his ass, then his lips surgically removed from
Rohlfing's ass
So a hearty congrats from HIRA to the duly elected county GOP
officers — Brett Kulbis, Marissa Kerns, Eric Eads, Mela Kealoha-Lindsey,
Matt Darnell and Dennis Kim
— on being returned to your posts.
 And hats off to the brave, principled members of the Honolulu
County Republican Party 'county committee' for doing the right thing in
the face of lies, hostility, swearing, and manipulation by RINO's at party
headquarters and at the State Capitol.
This was a TERRIBLE day for RINO's at the Hawaii
Republican Party.  Really, really HORRIBLE.  And it was a great
day for what appears to be a rejuvenated Honolulu GOP
. Let's hope so.
Finally, here's a very special, heartfelt message to Rohlfing,
Ready, James, Tupola, Ward and the rest of their RINO collaborators and
co-conspirators.  Sorry, but nobody cares what you have to say anymore
. . . especially after the all-out smear campaign orchestrated by
the shameless, ethically challenged boneheads made up of outgoing state chair
"Fritzy Boy" Rohlfing, Rohlfing's towelboy Jack 'Mehoff' James, Rep.
Bobby McDonut, Rep. Andrea Topullyou for State Chair 2017 (no way), Kief
"I love Mufi" Trollman, and Rohlfing's other RINO towelboy Boyd
Not-So-Ready.  Your mojo and mana are all used up.

Read more about their disturbing antics in HIRA's
Weekend Edition of our newsletter
. That's right, please stay tuned for
more details this weekend
. . . and some riveting, mindblowing audio of
RINO politician and tax-hiker Bob McDonut completely melting down,
swearing up a storm, and being booed out of party headquarters halfway through
today's wild-ride-of-a-meeting.
It's as if McDonut took TheBus and then rode TheRail to today's
meeting straight from spending all night in his smelly basement in old Ewa
Beach; drunk on stale Doritos and a gallon of Keif "I Luv Mufi"
Trollman's 200 proof fermented urine.  Psychotic Bobby McDouchebag can
kiss that gubernatorial campaign goodbye.  Fritz will have to start his
search for the perfect candidate all over again.  Paging Rohlfing's 2016
superstar candidate Rod Tam!!   ðŸ™‚
Thanks for your help in draining the swamp at the Hawaii GOP so
we can finally, finally take on the Democrats for real.
President, Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA)

Chairman, HIRA Action SuperPAC
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