Let's consider the worst cases of the "worst case scenario"
candidate from the GOP — former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

He is a twice-divorced philanderer, having cheated on the previous wife with
the replacement. He divorced the two previous spouses while they were suffering
under intense illness. The second wife claims that he was an immoral monster
who openly refused to honor the vows of his marriage.

He also took contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, yet contributes
these payouts as compensation for advice and speeches which he had given.

He was questioned for his questionable leadership while serving as Speaker
of the House, from which he resigned in muted disgrace following the loss of
Republican seats after the 1998 elections. He was sanctioned for a considerable
number of ethical violations, for which he was censured and fined.

The Mainstream Media is hammering his unreliable and mercurial nature. Some
have claimed him to be a manic depressive.

I was convinced that this man has no business taking up space in the Oval
Office. I had believe that he would be better served on a psychiatrist's coach
or in a psychiatric ward.

Then came January 19, 2012, and the Rebuke heard round the world. He was the
first and only candidate to openly censure the Mainstream Media for the
audacious questions regarding his personal life. "Despicable" is the
best word for the media's chronic and consistent pandering and whitewashing of
the current Vanity in Chief.

Unlike the other candidates, Gingrich fights back. He is articulate, he is
clear and consistent in his opposition to the Progressive President whose
regressive policies threaten the health and well-being in this country.

Gingrich weighed the costs of his campaign. He knew that media and opponents
would excoriate his record and his personal life.

He has demonstrated time and again his following of limited government and
free enterprise.

Is a creep? Yes, he was! Is he immoderate in his behavior? Yes. Is he
pugnacious and articulate? Yes. Will he be able to lead this country out of the
doldrums and liberal statism? Yes, he can

Is he a flip-flopper? Yes, but those consistencies are attributed to himself,
not his policies.

This country needs persuasion. We need straight talk and open-minded ideas,
even if the communicator has not been straight in all of his dealings. We do
not need a hero; we do not need a model of personal morality in the White
House. We need a president who will do more of the right stuff, and beat Obama
to get there.

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