President Trump and the Republican Congress are finally acting like the leaders in Washington DC. What did it take for them to kick their majority into gear? Losing a sure-win Senate seat in deep red Alabama. Hate to say it, but God indeed worked in mysterious ways. Judge Roy Moore’s untimely loss has turned into the conservative grassroots’ long-term gain. Not that I wanted him to lose, but now McConnell knows that his time to resign is near. If he doesn’t deliver real MAGA results, then he can forget his cushy retirement in a lobbying firm.
He and the rest of the Republican Congress actually worked to get tax reform passed, and Speaker Paul Ryan confirmed the major reforms, with the repeal of the odious individual mandate in Obamacare. Another key win for the conservative grassroots with tax reform and the following spending bills? The GOP leaders have blocked an DACA provisions in the latest continuing resolution to fund the government through January. By then, Al Franken-groper will be gone for good, and Doug Jones will be seated. That white version of Barack Obama will vote a very centrist line in the US Senate, further outraging the Democratic Party and emboldening Republican chances in November 2018. I tell you what, Mitch. You kill any discussions of amnesty, you stop any floor vote on a DACA Fix, you get the RAISE Act to the President’s desk, and I will say “All is forgiven.”
At any rate, we are seeing some real winning. And with this timely Christmas victory, it should come as no surprise that the apoplectic left has gone nuclear. CNN trotted out a heavily slanted poll to suggest a Democratic wave is targeting Republican majorities next year. The tax cuts and job creation that will rally ahead in the next six months should encourage conservative voters and energize Trump’s supporters across the country, especially in Rust Belt States. The loudest, most rabid left-wing are the DACA recipients and their enabling supporters. 7,000 DACA kids (actually adults) a day are seeing their unconstitutional permits expiring. It’s about time this lawless giveaway went away.
Their methods for forcing any kind of DREAM Act legislation are getting stringent, extreme, and I fear violent. In California, I have confronted these illegal alien activists in front of three different Congressmen’s offices. They have traveled as far Apple Valley in the High Desert to North Orange County. They have also pressured every other Republican House Rep in the California delegation who has not come out in favor of a DREAM Act.
It’s astonishing to me how desperate and delusional their movement has become. Republican voters are emphatically opposed to amnesty. After eight years of Obama, one would think that even the most progressive amnesty panderers would realize that the Democratic Party never intended to help out the illegals. President Obama commanded immense legislative majorities in Congress during the first two years of his administration. He squandered his political capital on Cap and Trade, which died in the supermajority Democratic US Senate.  He also forced on us Obamacare. Every center-left, red-state Democrat in the delegation hammered away at the single-payer fantasy to impose on the country the wildly unpopular Affordable Care Act.
There was no amnesty, no immigration reform, no pathways to citizenship, no expansion of the open borders agenda. Obama campaigned on immigration reform in 2008, then offered a politically cynical DACA executive order six months before election day 2012. But no legal, constitutional solution. No wonder immigrant activists declared “No votaré Obama!” in 2014, which ushered in more Republicans for a clean sweep in both chambers later that year. Unfortunately, some amnesty squishes worked their way into the GOP Wave (Thom Tillis, Corey Gardner), and another amnesty architect Lindsey Graham held onto his seat despite epic disapproval levels from South Carolina state party leaders.
Because of these lingering elements, immigration enforcement activists such as myself have not rested, but doubled-down to ensure full enforcement. When the pro-illegal factions want to throw a fit in front of a Congressman’s office, we show up to counter-protest, reminding our elected officials to put Americans first. To our welcome surprise, the pro-illegal protesters’ numbers are dwindling significantly. Last week, right outside Congressman Ed Royce’s (R-Fullerton) office, a grand total of two DACA agitators showed up against a larger presence of Trump supporters.
Illegal aliens have also resorted to taking over Congressional offices in Washington DC. They recently staged a sit-in in the Senator Majority Leader’s Office. McConnell’s response: “No DACA legislation this year.” Later, he announced that a decision will be reached by March next year. Democrats in Congress are not just feeling the heat: they are getting burned in effigy. Nancy Pelosi promised a clean DREAM Act by the end of the year. Didn’t happen. Chuck Schumer promised a deal on the same timetable. Hasn’t happened, and will not happen.
Shame on these Democrats.  What were they thinking?
US Senators pushed the Obamacare of immigration reforms in 2013, thankfully it died in the House. Dirty Harry Reid was still running the US Senate, blocking every spending bill from the House of Representatives.  They muscled through a massive enforcement first program with amnesty, and the people stopped it.
Four years later, Majority Leader McConnell feels the heat from the engaged and enraged public about illegal immigration. Unlike the violent, disruptive illegals blocking the halls of Congress and taking over the US Senate cafeteria, American citizens have every right to double down on their demands. Why? We are requiring our federal government to fulfill its basic mission: establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, and provide for the common defense. After all, “We the People” means we the citizens, not “we the illegal aliens.”
The DREAMers are losing hope, and their dreams will be deferred to their home countries. Why should they complain, since their dreams don’t have borders, right? From now on, the American voters expect their lawmakers to put the hopes, dreams, and basic needs of American citizens first.
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