This eblast is a perfect reason why Strange is the last thing we want to see in the United States Senate.

And why we need MOORE Conservatives like Judge Roy Moore!

Top 5 Questions Unanswered by Luther Strange in Last Night's U.S. Senate Debate
“What is Luther hiding?”
#1 Immigration

Luther Strange and his allies have falsely suggested that Judge Roy Moore opposes building a border wall. Not only does Judge Moore want to build the wall, he would immediately send our military to secure our borders today.
Luther Strange has ownership in a business that sells EB-5 visas to foreign nationals. The hypocrisy of Mr. Strange is alarming and is a national threat to our Country.

Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley said this about the program: “The EB-5 regional center program has been plagued by fraud and abuse. It poses significant national security risks. There are serious allegations that the program may be facilitating terrorist travel, economic espionage, money laundering and investment fraud.”
How can Luther Strange be serious about securing our borders and strengthening our immigration system when he is profiting off the broken system we already have?
Luther Strange has yet to declare his position on DACA, even after being asked multiple times. Where does he stand on DACA?
#2 National Debt

After less than a year in the swamp, Luther Strange joined the Democrats and establishment Republicans “club” by raising the debt ceiling.  Strange concurrently voted against the America First Amendment, a measure supported by conservatives that would have kept us from raising the debt ceiling by cutting foreign aid.
How is Luther Strange any different from Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on fiscal policy when he will not take a stand on reducing our crippling national debt?

#3 Obamacare

Last night, Luther Strange failed to lay out one idea to repeal Obamacare.  It appears that he is unwilling to offend his Senate leadership or his other allies by stating the obvious: Obamacare must be repealed.
How can Luther Strange adequately govern if he is too afraid to publicly address the number one issue facing America?

#4 Who Does Luther Answer to?

Luther Strange has taken half his campaign contributions from federal political committees.  His allies have dumped over $20 million in false advertising mainly funded by the Senate Leadership Fund.  The Senate Leadership Fund has raised only $55,000 out of Alabama in 2017 but millions from Washington, California, New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
How can Luther Strange say that he will represent us when he is sold out to special interests that do not share Alabama’s values?
As a career D.C. lobbyist representing special interests and a home in Washington for the past 23 years, how can Luther claim to represent the people of Alabama?
As a registered lobbyist for Russell Corporation, he specifically lobbied for the implementation of CAFTA that sent thousands of Alabama jobs overseas to Mexico and Honduras. How can Luther fight for the people of Alabama when he lobbies to send our jobs overseas?

#5 Did He Make a Deal with Governor Bentley for his Appointment to the US Senate?
Luther Strange has repeatedly claimed to have cleaned up corruption in Montgomery and has pledged to clean up corruption in Washington.
When Luther Strange was Attorney General, he asked the House to stand down in their investigation of Governor Robert Bentley while multiple sources are on the record stating Luther was brazenly clear about placing Gov. Bentley under investigation.
Later, Strange reversed course and said that he never had Bentley under investigation.
So, what is the truth?  Did he accept a gift or political favor from someone he had under investigation, or did he set up a quid pro quo by only implying he had Bentley under investigation so the House would stand down in their investigative work?
Either option places the stench of corruption all over Luther Strange.

In last night’s debate, he had not one but two opportunities to clarify this for the public, and he refused to do so.
How can we trust Luther Strange to stop Washington’s back-room deals when his Senate career is a back-room deal? 

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