Here is the email which the Cudahy City Clerk gave to me about Mayor Cristian Markovich, who could not attend one of the Cudahy City Council meetings.
The February 22nd meeting was pivotal.
Jack Guerrero refused to bail out his absentee colleagues. Financial matters required three affirmative votes, and he refused to be that third vote.
A number of spending items did not go through.
He then left the meeting, refusing to discuss or engage in any further votes because his absentee colleagues (Markovich and Garcia) were not present to be accountable and serve the community.
Here is a picture of the email:

Here are the contents of the email:

Cudahy Mayor

From: Jose Pulido

To: Cristian Markovich; Baru Sanchez; Chris Garcia; Christian Hernandez; City Clerk; Rick Olivarez
Subject: RE: Tonight"s Meeting

Date: Monday, February 22, 2016 9:55:28 AM

Mayor Markovich

Good Morning Mayor Markovich, you’ll be missed but you need to take care of your family first!
From: Cristian Markovich

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 8:48 AM

To: Jose Pulido; Baru Sanchez; Chris Garcia; Christian Hernandez; City Clerk; Rick Olivarez Subject: Tonight's Meeting


I will not be present at tonight's meeting due to a family concern. I apologize for this but I know the team will pull through tonight. I will phone first chance I get.


Cristian Markovich

City of Cudahy
5220 Santa Ana Street
Cudahy, California 90201
Tel: 323.834.1750 Fax: 323.771.2072

Here is the video where I confronted Markovich about his absence:

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