This man was not even a sheriff's deputy, but rather a California Highway Patrol Officer.
Shouldn't he be watching our streets to make sure that everyone is safe?
We are law-abiding citizens trying to understand why our state senator would vote against our First Amendment Rights?
Why would he side with a vocal, abuse minority at the expense of the natural rights of all citizens?
The staffers were very polite, but the California Highway patrol officer kept a sharp eye on all of us..
What is this, a police state?!
The California MassResistance team was unintimidated, in spite of the police state presence in the room.
And it did not stop there:
Two law enforcement officers. What is Senator Ben Allen afraid of?
We laid out clear outrage about that senate bill. We demanded a No vote, and even consideration for expanding protection for religious freedoms.
Tracy Hopkins of Hermosa Beach brought up especially salient points, how the state of California was tilting towards irreligion, forcing out any reference, reverence, or recognition of the divine in our daily lives.
The Constitution is very straightforward in its Preamble, speaking of the necessity to "secure the blessings of liberty."
Without a moral underpinning for our society, we have chaos, criminality, and destruction.
We also reminded the state senator that his colleague in the state assembly, David Hadley, decided to vote no on the bill, so what was Ben Allen's problem?
Call State Senator Ben Allen's office, and demand:
1. Why would he station two law enforcement officers to supervise four peaceful constituents?
2. Vote no on SB 1146!