Today, someone uploaded the segment from KPIX CBS, who had provided a pro-Trump support account of what happened to us.

"Very Fake News" featured me this time.

I really appreciate that they brought this segment back to light. One of the reporters from KPIX confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi about what happened to me and other Trump supporters in Berkeley.

The media could not cover for Antifa anymore, but they were forced to show the world their embittered hatred and dishonor. Antifa lost the media war that day.

As for me, aside from the pepper spray that roared up the back of my arms and neck, plus my flag and hat getting stolen, I came out unscathed.

People from all over country sent me new hats and flags. It was really something. One black conservative woman told me that that moment, when I was chased into a gas station and sat down while getting spit at—that was the Rosa Parks moment for our movement.

Yes it was.

We refuse to sit in the back of the bus and take any further abuse from liberal loonies and violent progressive cranks. We will not be afraid to confront the violence and hatred of the Left.


Thanks again, Very Fake News, for sharing this video!

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