After celebrating a busy weekend with fellow
conservatives and like-minded Republicans with “The Happiest Place on Earth”
behind me, the bad news earlier this week hit me hard, and I felt like one of
the saddest people. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, the Honey Badger who never
quit, “Luke Scottwalker” who took on Dark Labor and beat them in their own
backyard, who had enacted every conceivable conservative reform in the
Progressive Death Star, suspended his campaign for President.

This is wrong. This should not be happening. But what

On its surface, Walker was overextended, ready to
take his campaign national. Why wouldn’t he? He had money, support, strong
polling. Then the debates came. A real estate reality show rodeo clown, a dead-beat
failed CEO, and a doctor with a penchant for healing minds – but not speaking
his mind so well – sucked up all the oxygen in the room.

The second debate was just awful. I did not sit
through all it. Three hours of “Trump said – what do you think?” Walker was not
allowed to speak. He needed to shine in that debate. It was do or die, and he
did not do, so his campaign died. The new media has turned on everyone,
including the consensus conservatives. Perhaps there is some truth to the critique
floating around out there: even Ronald Reagan could not get elected in the
modern media frenzy obsessed with every mistake and change of thought and mind.
The sound-byte has taken a bite out of the political process. “I’ll fix it” has
become the quick fix-it rather than comprehensive plans for accomplishing

Walker’s decision to back away is a disturbing
setback, not just a personal loss, but an indictment against our country’s
current political culture. Fear, frustration, and rage have distracted voters
away from records of accomplishment to whatever rhetoric will fire up the base.
The Framers wanted an executive not chosen by how many Twitter followers or
Facebook likes, not how many times “I have made great deals” or the color of
his skin or his or her gender. In fact, the Framers anticipated leadership
based on reasoned consent among electors, not populist pressure from the
masses. I thought we had the epitome of such disastrous outcomes with Barack
Obama. Perhaps this country is headed for another clash with populist outrage
instead of principled governance. Forgive me for sounding a little like MSNBC’s
Lawrence O’Donnell, but: “What is wrong with you people?!”
I have heard a number of people comment that Walker
was bland and boring, bearable but unbecoming, a Tim Pawlenty Redux. With all
due respect to Pawlenty (whom I wish had stayed in the race in 2012), Walker
was no Pawlenty. Standing up to Big Labor and the Occupy Movement is no mean
feat, and Pawlenty’s Minnesota “Gosh darn it, people like me” persona would not
have defeated those hordes.

In fact, Walker was no Reagan. Walker exceeded the
Gipper on many levels.

Reagan supported an assault weapons ban. From Day
One, Walker defended the Second Amendment, and expanded the enforcement of the
right in his state.

Scott Walker

Ronald Reagan (along with Richard Nixon and even
Gerald Ford) was pro-choice before becoming pro-life, most likely because of
the world’s limited knowledge about life within the mother’s womb. Walker was
pro-life from Day One.

Governor Reagan signed off on smog checks and other
environmental regulations, which I have to pay for every two years to this day.
Walker stood up to the EPA on Day One.

Reagan was still a union guy, wining and dining with
the AFL-CIO. Walker left the unions whining and begging for mercy.

Reagan cut taxes, but did nothing to stifle entitlement
spending. Walker’s Act 10 reforms balanced the budget without raising taxes or
laying off workers, and of all the fifty states in the union, Wisconsin has the
lowest – almost non-existent  — pension

Reagan signed off on no-fault divorce, a decision
which he regretted for the rest of his life. Walker defended marriage and
family on Day One (in liberal Wisconsin, by the way), and even pressed for a
constitutional amendment to protect the states from the creeping overreach of
the Supreme Court. One article even suggested that Walker lost many donors
because he refused to recognize, let alone celebrate same-sex “marriage.” By
the way, many conservatives and even some moderates who differed on this issue
still supported Walker.

President Reagan signed off on a sweeping amnesty,
which left American citizens with the bitter betrayal which has soured
immigration reform to this day. Walker repealed in-state tuition for illegal
aliens, joined the lawsuit against Obama’s executive amnesty, promoted an
American Workers First platform before anyone else (even Trump). Before
suspending his campaign, he declared that this country should take no Syrian

And with that, I will leave you with the best moment
of the First Debate – the only one that really counts so far — the final
comments from my candidate for President of the United States:

took on the big government union bosses, and we won. They tried to recall me,
and we won. They targeted us again, and we won. We balanced the budget, cut
taxes, and turned out state around with big, bold reforms. It wasn’t too late
for Wisconsin, and it’s not too late for America”.

Reagan talked optimism, teaching us we could hate
the government yet love it at the same time. Walker carried that optimism to an
optimal level, showing us that the government should depend on us, not the
other way around.  Walker was a winner,
not a whiner. He was an explainer, not a complainer, a team player, not a “me
player.” Notice how he repeated “We” not “I”.

How else can I put it: I wanted a Walker, not a
talker. Will it be too late for America? Time will tell if the other candidates
can combine a strong record with an unwavering resolve in the face of media
attacks, left-wing plots, and violent demonstrations.

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