State Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez (R-Lake Elsinore) spoke her mind on Twitter following the death of an American hostage captured by ISIS:

Melissa Melendez         @asmMelendez Follow

Gut wrenching news today. American Kayla Mueller murdered by Islamic savages. There MUST be consequences. MM #standupagainstIslam
Finally, a state lawmaker is pushing aside the PC BS and telling the truth like it T-I-S.
Of course, the Sacramento Bee reported the uproar from Islamic communities:
Basim Elkarra, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations in Sacramento, characterized the hashtag, #standupagainstIslam, as “hateful,” and called on Melendez to apologize and then meet with her Muslim constituents.
Lawmakers, state officials, and government leaders in general around the world have acknowledged that there is a deep problem with Islam, the very political ideology of this culture. Instead of retreating from this serious issue, lawmakers need to call evil what it is — EVIL — and demand justice and retribution for this desperate losses.
The SacBee continued:
Elkarra said anti-Islamic rhetoric has consequences, and noted that Melendez’s tweet came on the same day that three Muslim students of Arab descent were killed near the University of North Carolina. Their families have called their shootings a hate crime.
For the record, those three Muslims were killed by an anti-white, anti-humanity atheist. Hate-crime talk is a tricky subject in the first place, leading to thought control. Besides, there is no moral equivalence to demanding justice against terrorists through Twitter compared to a deranged assailant killing three people.
One has to wonder: Is Elkarra threatening the Assemblywoman? Should we charge the executive director with a hate crime, too?
Melendez issued a statement this week in response to this overheated uproar:

It was never my intention to offend peaceful Muslims,” she said. “However, I’ve had enough of Islamic extremists and terrorists who oppress women and burn people alive in the modern world. This isn’t about hash tags, it’s about America standing up with our allies and putting an end to the barbaric behavior we are witnessing around the world. Melendez sounds presidential, and certainly more serious than the current President in the White House, who regards the targeted assassinations of French Jews as "random acts of violence" and argues that the United States must contain rather than eliminate ISIS. I applaud Assemblywoman Melendez, and hope greater things for her and her conservative colleages in the State Assembly.  On this Valentine's Day, all I can say is: 

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