The Incumbent Will Not Face Emken

“I’m running my own campaign”, US Senator Dianne Feinstein
glibly claimed in a brief interview with
ABC-7 reporter Mark Matthews.  Senator Feinstein is up for reelection this
year, and for all her calm assurance, with a condescending pat on the shoulder,
Ms. Feinstein may want to reconsider her glib arrogance.

Strangely enough, Ms. Feinstein gave KQED's Belva Davis an
extensive interview filled with distortions and distractions. She baseless
claimed that Romney and Ryan are proposing radical changes to women’s right to
choose and elders’ access to Medicare, even though Ryan’s plan does not affect
anyone 55 or older. Her conclusions about tax cuts for “the rich” ignore that small
businesses file as individuals and would benefit from tax cuts. Feinstein
tirelessly attacks with the tired argument that Republicans are obstructionist.
Yet for the first two years of his presidency, Obama reached out to no one.

Currently, Feinstein is polling the worst favorability
of her career in office. Despite one poll which shows Feinstein
with a
over her challenger Elizabeth Emken, the fact remains that Emken is
just now breaking out and getting the attention of California voters. Even with
this “commanding” lead, Ms. Feinstein still barely tops at 51% — not a very compelling
poll for a Senator who has been in office for twenty years.

Elizabeth Emken, mother of three, former efficiency analyst for
IBM and advocate for autism, is running for the US Senate as the Republican
challenger. Unlike incumbent Feinstein, who appears convinced that it is not incumbent
upon her to pay a visit to her constituents, Ms. Emken in the past week has
visited the LA Times Editorial Board. In a previous interview, the staff
writers put forth the same challenge, that the aged Senator that she must
. For the LA Times, the
Republican challenger does not fit within the mold of “right-wing ideologue”.

In an interview
with LA Times's columnist Patt Morrison
, (one in which she stayed for the
whole interview, by the way) Emken outlined her views: pragmatic, respectable,
and free-market oriented.

Pragmatic: On immigration, Emken supports border control
from the federal government and a guest worker program through the state of
California. She is willing to work with Democrats and Republicans, yet she
found that while Democrats promised, the Republicans delivered when she
promoted legislation on behalf of children with autism.

Respectable: Emken is pro-life, yet has no desire to revert
to a time when women who needed an abortion resorted to back-alley visits from
unscrupulous doctors. Regarding gay marriage, she honors herself by retaining
her opinion on the issue, instead focusing on the fiscal, national, and environmental
issues harming this state and the country.

Free-market oriented: Emken wants to simplify the tax code
to bring jobs back to California and the United States. Unlike most
politicians, she offered a specific reform, targeting a 30-year law in the
taxcode which has unfairly benefited large, self-insuring firms against smaller
businesses, who must purchase their insurance from outside their own auspices.

Unlike Ms. Feinstein, Ms. Emken also paid an unprecedented
visit to the South Bay (Manhattan Beach and Torrance) as well as Orange County.
Normally, the Beach Cities do not receive such an honor, but her willingness to
make herself known and renowned commands a great deal of respect here, and will
do so throughout the state very soon, I am sure.

As of now, name recognition is Emken’s only drawback.
Even I had written her off as a choice contender. Yet out of twenty-four
candidates who ran for the Senate seat, she won the number two slot with 12.5%
of the vote, and she is poised for the upset. What she lacks in terms of money
or party promotion, she more than makes up for in skill, will, and the thrill
to get the voters to see her make the message and make the grade on their

If Senator Feinstein is running a campaign, I have yet to
see her pay a visit anywhere of note in this state. Perhaps a trip to the South
Bay is in order; where the aerospace, airline, and manufacturing industries
prominent near LAX deserve more attention than they are currently receiving from
the senior senator. This woman does not even live in California, any more.

With water issues plaguing the Central Valley, electricity rates
going up all over Northern California, with California suffering the highest
level of unemployment and the lowest ranking for business entrepreneurship, it
appears that the state of California is going from Gold to old and out of date.

Senator Feinstein, stop hiding! We have had an empty chair
in the Senate for the past twenty years, and you have still authored or
sponsored any legislation of note which would easy the tax burden, the spending
spree, or the national miasma’s which afflict our borders and threaten our
officials overseas.
as the LA Times declared
some two weeks ago, the chair is waiting. This
state deserves a debate. Feinstein, come out and debate Elizabeth Emken!
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