January 17th, 2017.
Huntington Park held it's first city council meeting for 2017.
They had canceled what would have been their January 3rd meeting.
This meeting was particularly corrupted because they changed the starting time for the meeting.
Normally, the meeting begins at 6pm.
That meeting was cancelled!
Then they announced a different meeting to start at 4pm.
Why? To ensure that fewer people arrive!
Now, here are my comments to the Huntington Park City Council:

To the Huntington Park City Criminals:

First, I want to commend City Clerk Donna Schwartz for the
notes which has taken of my comments during Public comment.

In last session’s minutes, I notice that she wrote the

I spoke about illegals – thank you. The illegal aliens on
the city commissions are not “undocumented.”
Human beings are not “undocumented.” They are illegal if
they are in this country illegally.
I also notice that she write down my final comments to the
city council: “You’re Fired!”
I do indeed believe that the four of you who have supported
the appointment of two illegal aliens to city commissions will be losing your
jobs – and your freedom.

I look forward to the day when the city clerk writes in the

“Councilmembers Pineda, Sanabria, Macias, and Ortiz were
hauled away in handcuffs for cutting deals with friends and family members,
along with their brazen violation of federal law by appointing two illegal
aliens to city commissions.”

I appreciate also that Mrs. Schwartz mentioned “sanctuary

Is Huntington Park a sanctuary city?

The city council majority claims that Huntington Park is
not, and yet they have brazenly appointed two illegal aliens to city
commissions, when the two should have been turned over to ICE and deported.
They are in violation of federal by being in this country, and they have “outed
themselves” to the world at large.

Councilwoman Macias claims that Huntington Park is not a
sanctuary city. Yet she claims that she wants to protect the people in this
city who are in the city illegally.

Her pretense is easy to see through, and no one can really
take her assurances seriously.
All of you are in quite a bind. Either you expose that you
appointed the two illegals just to cover your other misdeeds, or you go forward
with your lawlessness in the name of social protest and officially acknowledge
that Huntington Park is a sanctuary city.

Either way, you endanger the city’s federal funding – and
you endanger your liberty as private citizens as elected officials, breaking
federal law. What a dilemma you face—of your own doing.
One more thing. Since President Donald Trump will be our
next President, I want to know when you plan on removing that picture of Barack
Obama downstairs and replacing it with a picture of President Donald Trump.

I want to be there for the unveiling. And if you need a
picture of Donald Trump, I can provide you with one – this one has the city
motto written on it: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

God bless Donald TRUMP! and You’re Fired!


Just to explain the title a little further.
On the first floor of Huntington Park City Hall, all the elected officials who represent the city, from state assembly to federal Congressman, are hanging on the wall. 
The President is also hanging on that wall.
Will the city council do the right thing and hang a portrait of Donald Trump on their wall — or not?
We shall see.
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