Houston MassResistance exposes “Drag Queen Story Hour” cross-dresser as registered child sex offender! Library officials forced to apologize to public.

TV media coverage of press conference shocks Houston

And more to come, say our MR activists!

March 16, 2019
Explosive VIDEO: Local TV report: "Houston Public Library admits registered child sex offender read to kids in Drag Queen Storytime" (2 min 37 sec)
NOTE: A commercial may play first.

Houston city officials have been forced to back down and apologize to the public after Houston MassResistance activists exposed the criminal record of one of their “Drag Queen Story Hour” cross-dressers. It turns out he is a registered child sex offender! This man has been reading to children at those public library events.  
The exposé came at an explosive press conference held by Houston MassResistance outside Houston’s Freed-Montrose Public Library on Friday afternoon. Within hours, the report was being broadcast on local Houston television.
"ALTPress conference outside the library: MassResistance parents (left) address the Houston media about the "Drag Queen."
MassResistance revealed that Alberto Garza, 32, who goes by the Drag Queen name Tatiana Mala-Niña, was convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy. The library had failed to do a background check on any of the “Drag Queens,” despite requirements and warnings by MassResistance.
"ALTAlberto Garza as himself, and as "Drag Queen" Tatiana Mala-Niña
“If they had done their job and due diligence, they might have said wait – maybe it’s not a good idea to have a sex offender who at 200 pounds and 5-foot-11 assaulted an 8-year-old boy,” Tracy Shannon, co-leader of Houston MassResistance, told the reporters.
"ALTThe Houston Public Library's advertisement featuring Tatiana Mala-Niña – a convicted child sex offender.
(For another view of "Tatiana Mala-Niña", here's a video of himperforming in a Houston gay bar – this time as a brunette. Obviously this didn't bother the Houston library officials too much.)
In fact, city leaders had been quite arrogant about their unqualified support for the character of the Drag Queens. At one of the recent Houston City Council meetings, Mike Laster, an openly “gay” City Council member, mocked this concern about the Drag Queens by Tracy and the others, asking them, “What are you afraid of?” (Well, Mike, now you know!)  And when pressed by MassResistance parents, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner publicly stated that these Drag Queens are “role models” for the Houston community.
"ALTTracy didn't hold back a bit at the press conference!
That continued to bother the parents. At the press conference, Tracy exclaimed, “Most parents would not allow that individual to sit in this library and be held up as a role model to our children. Shame on you, Mayor Turner!”
The library subsequently issued the following statement:
We assure you that this participant will not be involved in any future HPL programs.
In our review of our process and of this participant, we discovered that we failed to complete a background check as required by our own guidelines. We deeply regret this oversight and the concern this may cause our customers. We realize this is a serious matter.
Every program sponsored by HPL is supervised by HPL staff, and all children are accompanied by a parent and/or guardian. No participant is ever alone with children, and we have not received any complaints about any inappropriate behavior by participants at storytimes.
We are taking the appropriate action to ensure that the status of every participant in every program throughout our system is verified. We will continue to review our process to ensure that this cannot happen again.
Once again, we apologize for our failure to adhere to our own process in this matter and to the hundreds of parents and caregivers who have enjoyed this program with their children.
The arrogance of this statement – that it was simply an oversight and there were no problems resulting from it – did not appear to sit well even with the liberal media.
Unbiased press coverage! Although normally hostile to pro-family groups like MassResistance, the mainstream media – and even the “gay” media – covered this story fairly. Here are two more examples:

A terrible disaster waiting to happen

Any reasonable person would see that “Drag Queen Story Hour” is a train wreck waiting to happen. It’s a program whose goal is to make children feel comfortable about LGBT behaviors. It features cross-dressing homosexual men in garish make-up and costumes who seem obsessed with reading “gay” themed books to very young children. These same men lead bizarre lives as “adult” sex entertainers. What could possibly go wrong?
Last month, Houston MassResistance parents handed the City Council and Mayor a detailed 163-page report documenting the lurid activities of some of these “Drag Queens” who read to children, and how the library blatantly disregarded its own rules regarding the whole “Drag Queen” event. It was also pointed at the City Council meeting out that some of the drag queens carry rubber chickens, signaling their sexual interest in young boys.
"ALTAlso at the press conference: They're starting to see these Houston MassResistance t-shirts around town!
At the press conference, the Houston MassResistance parents charged the Mayor, City Council members, and library officials have purposefullyavoided doing any due diligence investigation about the “Drag Queen” cross-dressers, despite the shocking materials given to them.
Sleazy retaliation. On the same day as the press conference, two Houston MassResistance mothers were in the children’s section in the Houston Public Library to look at some of the books. They were told by library staff that they were not allowed in that area of the library. No reason was given except that “it’s for children only.” We have never heard of a public library anywhere with that “rule.”

Houston MassResistance isn’t letting up!

As we recently reported, starting in February, the monthly Drag Queen Story Hour events were moved from the Houston Public Library to a local “gay” church a few blocks away. But it is still being advertised by the public library, and library staff are clearly involved with it. The library’s public statement (above) still describes it as being a library event. Thus, it is still a City of Houston taxpayer-supported activity.
Unfortunately, despite all this bad publicity, the City of Houston has indicated that they will continue this terrible program. So Houston MassResistance will continue to confront it.
More coming. Tracy has said the parents have at least 500 pages of additional material about these “Drag Queen” performers who are reading books to children, much of which is very graphic and repulsive. Houston MassResistance intends to deliver that to city officials. And it’s likely that we will find more “sex offender” problems among this depraved crowd. They’ve also gotten valuable help from Dan Kleinman at the SafeLibraries website.
To what extent is this happening all over the country in libraries and other places where LGBTQ activists mingle with children?
These Houston MassResistance parents are superstars! We will continue to report on this battle.
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