Democrats love representative democracy, especially for
minorities, except when they hold the minority of seats.
So, instead of respecting the rules of decorum, the House
minority Democrats throw a temper tantrum. They just staged another sit-in this
week. They want gun control, and they want it right now. They demand a vote
from the Speaker of the House, and they don’t have a lot of power over
themselves to demand the vote.
So, they decided to … sit.
With Civil Rights Movement icon John Lewis of Georgia
leading the way, the illiberal, regressive Democratic minority, willing to use
every tool in their arsenal, now want to agitate for rights. Not for those
rights to be represented, mind you, but rather to take them away.
Republicans need to admire, then admonish what Democrats do,
from the local offices to the federal legislature.
If they don’t have the numbers in elected office, they use
other means to make their point, to bully and shame their majority opposition
into doing what they want. How many voters, though, will find this adult-child
pity-party worth responding to? My first reaction to the Democratic sit-in in
the House of Representatives?
“Get off your ass, and get back to work!”
The previous House Speaker, John Boehner, exhorted his
Democratic colleagues to do that. Unfortunately, the Orange One (and I am not
talking about Donald Trump) was K-Street destined to do the bidding of Big
Bang. Bang.
The dwindling number of out-of-touch Democrats believe that
they are representing the best interests of their constituents. Check out this
whopper by email from Karen Bass of Culver City:
“At this moment, I am on the House Floor protesting to
demand a House vote to curb gun violence once and for all. We cannot give up on
this until House Republicans are forced to represent the interests of the
American people, not the gun lobby.”
Wow! Up to the moment! They must be working really hard for
Actually, every time a Democrat takes up their arms (legs
and hands) to push some form of gun control, they are actually fighting against
the best interests of this country. Karen Bass is a slothful liberal who held
the reins of power in Sacramento for two years. In those days, California
lawmakers could not pass a budget without one or two votes from the Republican
minority. At least then Republicans relied on the statutory checks and
balances, recently removed by statewide initiative a few years ago. The
tax-and-spending spree which followed has chased out Middle-Class California.
The lingering homeowners, and the rising number of illegal aliens, are clashing
for what’s left of this one-Golden State.
Instead of a sit-in over gun control, how about every
taxpayer in the county sit on their hands, with their wallets in their pockets,
and declare to the federal government: not a dollar more!
Those California Democrats are cute, though, pouting like
the spoiled, unhappy kindergartners they really are. Political opportunism
rears its hoary head, too, since Janice Hahn of San Pedro is leaving Congress
anyway, running back to the comforts of Los Angeles to take seat on the Board
of Supervisors, where her Daddy once sat. Her shot at this gun control
insanity? “The American people are sick of silence. They are demanding that
Congress take action and protect their families. This nation has just witnessed
the deadliest mass shooting in history and more people are dying every day. If
we do not take action now, when will we?”
More Americans, especially in California, would take
action—if they could acquire a firearm more readily! Jared Huffman of Ukiah had
to beg for mercy from the Big Green activists because he favored Hillary well
in advance. Now he slams the Republicans for refusing to Big Gun Grab. Ha! Then
you have weak freshman Democrat Peter Aguilar of Redlands. He is already tied
with his strong conservative, patriotic, anti-terrorist challenger Paul
Chabot—and this is an election year!
California Democrats, from Sacramento to DC, are shooting
back at the “gun lobby.” They are actually taking aim at the Framers of the
Constitution and the entire blessed legacy of Common Law, which enshrined the
right to self-protection and self-preservation. Imagine if those care workers
in San Bernardino had concealed-carry permits. Those Islamic militants would
have met a just and fatal end without wiping out so many innocents. What about
Of course, Democrats are not interested in working for the
American People. The bidding of the gun control lobby, the environmental
activists, and the Big Labor radicals dictate what the remaining Democrats are
allowed to do. Those backroom backstabbers never consider the best interests of
this country.
If they tell them to run around the floor of the House and
scream, they will find any time to get away with such childish antics. I still
remember during the 2013 government shut-down (which was former Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid’s fault), that Congressman George Miller of the Bay Area (who
thankfully retired the next year) shamed his Republican colleagues for their
What was the Republicans’ holy war? To stop  Obamacare, and keep the government running
for the basic necessities. Not sure how such piecemeal reforms count as
“terrorism”, but we will never know. Miller is gone with the wind.
What else can we conservatives learn from this abortive,
insipid, and just plain silly sit-in stunt?
Democrats fight for what they believe in, even when the
numbers are not lined up in their favor. Republicans see their minority status
at the state or local level, and just give up. That’s wrong. Not only should
they fight for what they believe in, but they should recognize that their
policies and values pay off. Democrats should do a sit-in. How about far away
in their homes, no longer in power!
 Gun control does not
work. Control of Muslim migration and relaxing the application process for a
firearm will help law-abiding citizens and deter the lawless criminals. 
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